
The Curse of Corporate

I joined Synkrama Technologies Private Limited with enthusiasm, inspired by a positive and supportive environment. Initially, the atmosphere seemed promising, and I was motivated to contribute to the team. However, as time went on, I faced numerous challenges that profoundly impacted my professional and personal well-being.

Early in my tenure, I was appointed as a Team Lead on several projects. This role, though a significant opportunity, came with immense pressure from our CEO, KJ. The expectation was to meet deadlines at any cost, which led to continuous mental stress. Under his directives, I inadvertently became a source of pressure for my colleagues , AN , and AB and other major colleagues . This created a strained and uncomfortable working environment for all of us as i used to put pressure on them on the influence of Karan Jain

The situation worsened as I found myself working through weekends and even during leaves, resulting in severe mental exhaustion. Despite these efforts, new developers were hired, and I was sidelined. This period was particularly tough, leading to depression and sleepless nights. After enduring this for several months, I decided to resign from my position.

Unexpectedly, KJ contacted me, urging me to withdraw my resignation. He assured me that the previous issues would be resolved and praised my contributions. Reluctantly, I decided to stay, hoping for a positive change.

However, the company's environment continued to pose challenges. We were subjected to screen monitoring via Team Logger, where management frequently questioned my idle time. Despite my high productivity and efficiency, I was often scrutinized for taking breaks or assisting colleagues, which is essential for maintaining a collaborative workspace.

Most recently, a significant and distressing event occurred, further affirming my decision to share my experience publicly. it’s crucial to address and bring awareness to the toxic practices that can affect employees’ mental health and overall well-being.

I hope my story encourages organizations to foster genuinely supportive environments and prioritize the mental health of their employees.


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I saw your post on LinkedIn yesterday and shared it with my friends and colleagues. In my previous organization, my manager faced a similar issue but didn't have the courage to speak out. I'm glad you addressed it, as it will surely encourage others to share their stories and raise awareness about such practices. Thank you for your bravery.


Link to the linkedin post?


Once you resign, nothing good ever comes out of staying back. Nothing.




This is so bad. Wondering if this is official termination letter, I hope they don’t write all this in a formal document. Might impact your future chances of hiring. Hope you get something better soon.

Few lessons based on my experience

👉 Never trust a founder or leadership folks 👉 Don’t revoke once you resign


Honestly, I don't think there is much on official documentation that companies carry


There are few fields like desirable hire or will the candidate be rehired. It's an Accenture thing that they bring fear into the employees mind that company can destroy your future, the reality is, they can't. It's done to ensure people stay within the company for long


@Trogdoooor thoughts? Curious to know how what OP faced might be justified from CEO standpoint. Especially why OP was not rewarded?

This is how lives are slowly ruined in this corporate jungle and thankfully better workplaces/teams do exist. @Shinesun I hope u find a better place. You’ll come out stronger from this


I wasn't trying to justify anything, but only was trying to explain that things look differently from the perspective of the owner vs that of the employee.

In this case, it appears that the CEO had higher expectations from OP, whether fairly or unfairly, and when he was unable to meet them, he was let go.

Clearly, there are other employees in the company who are satisfying the expectations of the CEO better, and who continue to work there, while OP was let go.

You've yourself mentioned that how owners / management can have high expectations, and which keep going higher and higher. And sometimes when those are not continued to be met, they let go of some employees.

I'm not trying to justify the CEO's actions here, or say that they were fair, but merely trying to explain the reality of how the situation looks from the perspective of the owners / management, as opposed to the perspective of OP which is that of the employee, since I am familiar with both sides in companies.

Anyway, I wish @Shinesun good luck and a better workplace in the future too!


Altho u can understand this wasn’t fair, u do not pick one side just bcoz u know what drives this behaviour. And seems like at some level u are fine with this given how many others are still working in such environment. Anyway, I get why most successful founders are narcissistic so human life is pretty screwed up.


I know how it feels to get terminated. I was terminated from a raddi company, for no reason. Later, they called me and asked me to join back because they have the work now, tried to make a deal - when I asked for experience letter n all. I declined and said, mere experience letter ki batti bana k gand me daal lena. 1 year, I will show as a freelancer. Fuck off!!

You will get through this. stay strong and you deserve better. ❤️


There are 3 rules to resignation:

  1. Never withdraw it
  2. Never withdraw it
  3. Never withdraw it

Systems, especially the bad ones, are impervious to dissent. I agree that ideally companies should take care of the well-being of an employee, but most of the companies fail at it.

That's why, learn to take care of yourself. No work on weekends, period. If the deadline gets missed, it's an error in estimation and will be rectified the next time.

"Under his directives, I inadvertently became a source of pressure for my colleagues" -- don't be an ass to people if somebody else is an ass to you. Push back.

P.S. Team Logger is a major red flag. If you see it in a project, leave the project.


They don't deserve you.


It's not worth it dude. In the entire rant only mistake I can see from you is taking back your exit papers.

Never ever do it! If you decide to join or decided to quit no looking back or getting convienced by others.

Stay strong.!


The comments from the TCS folks here are awful. You should really take a good look at who you are and what your impact on society is.

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