The guaranteed way to success (if there’s one)
I know this will sound like a very biased opinion but just sharing my 2 cents of today’s market.
The way with highest probability of success, money and ensuring a better future for your future generations is to startup.
It has the highest risk, highest reward. But in today’s landscape: where inflation is always higher than your hike, there’s no guarantee of employment even in next 1 years, the effort to remain in top 1% is humongous and many other reasons like that, really make me feel that if you’re able to start a company and even capture 0.1% of market who’s willing to pay something for your service/product, that’s all you need. Of course the struggle doesn’t end there and you have to keep working for as long as possible? But your capacity to earn and provide for generations to come is much higher than working for someone else.
All disagreement is welcome :) Just tired of running this race for years now and still never feeling financially secure.

It depends, founding a startup is a 24/7. For me, I need the time that 9-5 jobs provide after work for my health issues. Also my current company is doing a lot of layoffs so everyday I start with uncertainty and anxiety, but cannot quit cos I need the income. We are definitely moving backwards in growth in this corporate slavery, expensive education and inflation. In India, Our entire identities is based on our jobs as though your life is useless if you don’t have one!!

What you said is very true, it's why I started up myself plus for greater autonomy.
The real struggle when starting up is realising none of your past experiences or the school college you went to is actually going to be that helpful.
"I did xyz under abc company". Sure buddy, as if you didn't have the benefit of the company and an already established brand in the market. You only leveraged it, anyone else can do it too.
Can you create a likeable brand from scratch? Do you know marketing and sales enough to get revenue on your own? Can you hire good employees, or train them to be better, or hire someone who's better and more experienced than yourself?
These are the real questions which kill egos and humble even the biggest narcissist. Starting up at least once in life should actually be mandatory training for college kids and experienced folks alike.

Hey man! I'm also planning to start something of my own, would you be open to working as a co-founder on my idea or making me your co-founder for your idea? We could talk more and figure out if this interests you!

All points taken & agreed. But one has to understand that life is not for everyone. Although due to to media & hype it might seem every other tom duck harry next door is starting up, its not true. Its takes very specific personality & mental traits like perseverance, stubbornness, overconfidence to an extent, jugaad mindset, etc & luck ofc.
The mental toll from uncertainty (financial, in relationship etc etc) is simply not for all, however glamorous it might be. My 2 cents :) Btw i am planning starting up too soon :D

Yes and no. If you see probabilistically, the opportunity cost and the odds of scoring at least 1 successful exit is almost 0. Moreover, and I’ve seen this play out personally, spending 10 years of your life 24x7 to get to say - 30 cr out of the startup (again if you’re lucky) vs getting ~ 15-16 cr from an elite high paying tech career. would it be worth that? It depends from people to people. I’ve had a failed startup, and a semi successful exit, I’d definitely like to start up again , but not due to monetary reasons.

Great input sir.

I’ve already started my own business and startup , absolutely no regrets and enjoying every minute I’m spending on growing it.

Being observant and resilient

Any examples?