I thought that's true for either sides, isn't it?
Yup, change far left to far right and the meme still makes sense
Far left: we're going to make sure the people's basic needs are met Far right: we're going to exterminate entire social groups for profit because we believe they're impure
yeah, both sides are the same, hmm
Back when I was a student I was quite enamoured with Marxism. Boy did my delusions shatter as I grew older.
The worst thing about the left in general is not that it ultimately strips the sense of individuality away. It’s that it breaks you, and makes you believe that shared suffering is the only ethical way of life.
Perhaps you had the wrong takeaways from it. It's not about shared suffering, but shared prosperity.
Shared suffering is what we have under our current system. Prosperity for the 1%, suffering for the rest. It is a bit hard to see the whole picture when you've "made it", but it doesn't change the fact that quality of life has been declining for the majority of the population, while they compete to be in the glorious 1%.
Radicalization is the process by which an individual or a group comes to adopt increasingly radical views in opposition to a political, social, or religious status quo.
Left, far left, or even the so called "center" is not the status quo where we are. So one cannot be called a radical for not having left leaning views. This meme makes no sense.
OP define "far left" challenge
Interesting. I feel it holds true for both while moderates suffer
Interesting viewpoint, what would you define as a moderate?
That's an uninformed take, I used to have the same opinion, however it's not as simple, the moderates usually tend towards the right, shifting the "center" every time they do, because in core principles about the private ownership of capital generating assets, they align with the right more than the left (public ownership of capital generating assets). So to preserve the already existing "status quo", they will make concessions to social welfare, public utilities, common prosperity.
Historically this is what happened in the Weimar republic in Germany (resulting in a certain Austrian painter getting to power), this is what happened in France just few weeks ago (resulting in one parliament seat given to the left who won majority of the votes), this happened in the US over the last few elections cycles (the "democrats" now are more "right" of the old evil republicans like Reagan), this happened here, failure of moderate policies leading to rise of a nationalist party a decade ago.
Elon Musk had tweeted this a few days back. He means in a way that a person is so far left (radical liberal who has woke ideology) that even a “normal” liberal person looks “radical” or better it is to say that they look from the other side of the thought spectrum which is not the case. This is happening due to extreme polarisation which is further fuelled by politics/biased media which just wants to push their ideology down the throats of everyone.
Elon Musk had tweeted this a few days back just wants to push their ideology down the throats of everyone
You know what, that checks out
this is something i have believed all my life. i have trouble lying in critical situations. sometimes it has affected me in a negative way in the short term, but never in the long term. most recent example being starting up my profession...