I've been doomscrolling through Google's latest quantum flex and I'm actually shaking rn. They just dropped the most insane quantum results since Shor decided prime numbers were cringe and developed the way to crack prime integers in polynomial time.
Willow just achieved below the error correction threshold abilities. For the normies: imagine if every time you made your computer bigger it got TWICE as accurate instead of turning into a hot mess. That's literally what they did.
Some highlights that are living rent-free in my head:
- Each time they went from 3x3 -> 5x5 -> 7x7 qubits, errors dropped by 2.14x
- Their logical qubit lives 2x longer than their best physical qubit (this is actually insane)
- They ran 10 BILLION cycles without errors on their repetition code test
The real ones know this means we're entering god-tier quantum territory. Every small improvement in the hardware gets amplified EXPONENTIALLY.