[Thread] Did you have a wish as a kid that went unfulfilled that now you can afford but don’t have the same interest anymore?
I’ll go first, getting that old PSP, the one which had WiFi in built. Or maybe PlayStation 2 which was like 5k-6k back then.
Now, I could get a PS5 or buy games to play on my PC, but the feeling is lost. Just like my childhood.
I guess I lived a part of my childhood today. Went on a walk and had a Cornetto IceCream, which back then I didn’t have the money for and had to buy an Orange/Cola IceCream. Then, I walked around my society.
Saw a few kids playing football and instantly teleported back to when I was a kid.
Now that child is gone and the dream has too. But still, it feels good remembering that 5 year old me would be proud of adult me, and that’s what truly matters. 🥰

Was heavily into a girl. Wanted to date her as a kid. Then later in life girl’s themselves started approaching me and they still do. So lost my interest in the first girl that I liked altogether

Bro please 😭🙏🏻 @FrailBlack93
If all girls are after you then what will happen to the rest of Grapeviners. 😂😂
Jokes aside, yes. I can totally get what you’re trying to say and I think it makes sense.

Not all bro but I experienced this like when I started doing good in college they just kept on approaching me. After my startup exits and coming on tv and news and all there were even more

I was a big fan of RC cars, cycles, video games, computer hardware etc. I died everytime as a child when my dad came back to home with monthly ration and I desperately searched for any toy or something to play with.
We were struggling to get by so I never complained. Kept things to myself and just saw my friends enjoying themselves with new gifts, stationary, pens they receive every week/month.
I remember satisfying myself by watching gameplay videos on YT. Played GTAV for the first time in 2021 after crying for not being able to play it in 2013. I thought I'd feel happy. I didn't.
It stopped affecting me during 11th. I got hurt when the cash I was saving for bike during college got spent up for household expenses.
Now I could buy shit ten times over. I barely do. I am sadly habitual to that frugal lifestyle now. Me and my brother went to a Toy shop last week. Thought we'd buy loads of stuff. Came out empty handed as we don't feel the rush anymore. I bought unnecessary amount of Games on steam this January. Thought I'd play them. They are still to be downloaded :(
So yeah. I feel you.

Experienced the same when Skyrim was released in 2011. Now it feels boring to play it, even with graphic mods. Sometimes I grind Morrowind but it doesn't feel the same anymore :(

Weirdly enough I relate so hard with this. I was also a fan of RC vehicles and imagined all of my friends with RC planes/ cars/ tanks etc. and thinking that we would record the ultimate action sequence.
Later I realised how expensive they were. 😭 and how no one ever got anything apart from an RC car( the cheapest option)
Watching YouTube Walkthroughs if Popular Games that didn’t even run on my PC, but was the latest AAA title is so relatable.
I remember finishing MW3 and subsequently Far Cry 3 and 4 via YouTube walkthroughs and watching on 360p because the internet was so slow 😔😂

Also i am glad u are achieving ur childhood dreams, keep going

Lol having a cola or that orange candy used to be a big thing for me too. I remember the feeling of saving all week 1 rs each day and then buying one with my sister and we used to split it in half and fight for it. And then enjoy it .

Haina? That Orange and Cola Candy is an entire generations common memory. Along with calling your friends via landline/intercom to play in the morning of summer vacations.

I had two wishes wedding and own house.
"Mujhe shaadi karne ka bada shauk (tha)"
Now I understand the difference between wedding and marriages. So that's really out of the list
Still taking baby steps to that own house dream.

Ipod…. I am a big music fan…and while coding i am always listening. As a child I never asked for it, because i knew it was out of question for my mother.
Bought it from my first salary and fuck it was best feeling, running with it, cycling with it, going on treks with it.
But now since last few months it sits idle. I guess i need to plan another trekking trip with it. Maybe ladakh again

I feel that the iPod 📱 was on a lot of our lists, probably because once you saw one in real life with the magic wheel, you just couldn’t take your eyes away. ✨

Right, I’m glad I bought it before Apple discontinued it . My friends make fun of me for spending that money but they don’t get the real idea behind it.

Recently bought ps5 and ghost of Tsushima. Best decision ever. First console from own earnings.

This is so beautifully written. Just appreciating the fact that you can now do some things now that earlier weren’t possible is such a powerful feeling
I’ll probably have a full course McDonald’s meal taking inspiration from this :)

Not gonna lie 😭😭, I’m still envious of the kids who got happy meals from McDonalds. I remember seeing the ads on Cartoon Network and I really wanted those toys back then. 😂😂😂
But the peace, knowing you can go out and have that icecream, a drone, a gaming console, a new Laptop, Pizza. Anything.
Sometimes you appreciate that when you are in the solitude of your thoughts.

Have had a MacD happy meal only twice in my whole chidlhood. Have still kept those 2 toys I got with it. MacD was like a luxury restaurant when I was a kid.

Everyone will have a list. But the interest part is bcoz eventually u realise it doesn’t make sense as much as u wanted back then. E.g. I was fan of rola cola candy as kid, finding it on jiomart made me happy & I bought several. After 3 packs, I didn’t buy anymore as I lost the urge/taste. As a kid I could’ve eaten lots (or so in my mind back then) but as adult altho I can, I choose not to as things have changed.

I wanted to make a good career earn well, come out of poverty and build
Now all that I have is more poverty, job that I hate and depression

I was having a bad week, just came across this and it really put stuff back in perspective again. Thanks a lot man! And yes, I desperately wanted a PSP too back in the day, my folks rightfully (in hindsight) decided not to get me one haha