Hi, everyone
25/F, I'll dive straight into it.
Eldest daughter, been working since my 2nd year of college, lawyer and I work on retainer basis with companies.
I feel like I'm not a good enough and like I'm a sham all the time. I dropped one of my clients a while back because it was all getting too much, I guess?
Recently, I'd been feeling major anxiety over one of of client companies. I feel like I'm a huge cost centre for them and I do nothing but charge them. I feel guilty for taking their money. But I do work - unfortunately legal work is not like marketing work and all in the sense that you don't require legal 24/7.
The founder called me recently and he was unhappy with one of my drafts and he basically validated my fears and said we need to have a conversation about what you're contributing to the company and all and I told him sure we can have the conversation but he said we will talk later.
Ever since that, I've been practically stricken with anxiety and can literally not move from my bed... I guess I need therapy, so I would benefit from good therapist recommendations in Delhi too.
Can someone share tips? Also would appreciate if you can share similar stories. How does one continue working with someone after that conversation?