
Tips on how to deal with negative feedback, imposter syndrome, and request for people to share similar stories!

Hi, everyone

25/F, I'll dive straight into it.

Eldest daughter, been working since my 2nd year of college, lawyer and I work on retainer basis with companies.

I feel like I'm not a good enough and like I'm a sham all the time. I dropped one of my clients a while back because it was all getting too much, I guess?

Recently, I'd been feeling major anxiety over one of of client companies. I feel like I'm a huge cost centre for them and I do nothing but charge them. I feel guilty for taking their money. But I do work - unfortunately legal work is not like marketing work and all in the sense that you don't require legal 24/7.

The founder called me recently and he was unhappy with one of my drafts and he basically validated my fears and said we need to have a conversation about what you're contributing to the company and all and I told him sure we can have the conversation but he said we will talk later.

Ever since that, I've been practically stricken with anxiety and can literally not move from my bed... I guess I need therapy, so I would benefit from good therapist recommendations in Delhi too.

Can someone share tips? Also would appreciate if you can share similar stories. How does one continue working with someone after that conversation?

5mo ago

@BiryaniEnthu @LooseGoose @Dekisugi Small update for y'all since you guys were kind enough to comment: I had my first in person meeting with the CEO today and it went well. He acknowledged unprompted that it was not right of him to react the way he did and he should've communicated more effectively. I told him I need more detailed communication and instant feedback and we've both decided to work on establishing a better line among us as well as between me and the other team members


Good, happy for you


Superb Jade! More power to you 🙌


First things first, you have overthought the whole situation. It has not happened. And what's the worst that can happen, you lose that client. You lose a certain percentage of monthly income.
If that happens, some expenses will be effected.

In no way is JadeArgent being reduced. Your work got a feedback that you need to improve, maybe now maybe later. You are not your work, your work is one part of you.

Detach yourself, things can change but would not fall apart

Not sure if I am right, but the eldest daughter position makes us want to be perfect at all times. Fucks up brain like baaad


I know I'm overthinking it but also, it's sort of happened, though, hasn't it? True... I have moments of clarity when I'm actively thinking about it and I feel slightly better but my instinct is to just relapse into this rut :(

That eldest daughter thing is the biggest problem, I don't want to be a failure 😭😭😭


Update: We had the talk and I said our issues are coming from the fact that we're not aligned on certain objectives and a communication gap

I told the founder I have an unhealthy relationship with work and I get anxious if I feel like I'm a useless resource. I also told him I would appreciate micro feedback rather than letting 4 things accumulate and then get feedback

Let's see how it goes!

On the other hand, I think I signed on a new client - they're very new and small so it's a token deal (sort of like working in exchange for ESOP only) but it's an international company and it'll be my first time working with a 100% non-Indian team, I hope it goes well!


Do you have clear monthly deliverables and minimum expectations from them? If not, that's a good place to start


I think you just need a slap from your parents.

Not tto disrespect you, but if I say this anxiety things in my house I would get a slap from my mom or dad and I would get over this.

Ps: I am male, hence maybe it is like this for me.


Hahahaha, I'll ask my parents to help me with this line of treatment and get back to you

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