Today marks 7 consistent years of journaling for me
One of the best habits I ever picked up. Recommend it to everyone. It's so nice being able to look back into the last 7 years and see what I was upto, how I was feeling, and have continous learnings from it.
Otherwise, photos are the only memory we often have of periods that are actually critical in how they shaped us.
Text is king, it reminds you of what you were actually feeling, and doing. Pick it up people, I can help you if you want.
Hey @WittyFeed
Can you share more on how you journal, do you use pointers or stories, do you write about everything or just highlights
Is it everyday journalling or major events in life?
What worked for you?
+1 Even if I don't read again, I vividly remember the memories - sometimes it's a curse. But special too, having all those memories written so specifically, about how I felt, what I felt, etc
The only down side is managing those diaries🙂 (if you get a good solution let me know)
Digital journaling like on Notion, Apple/Google Notes
I have been writing random things in tiny notepads for 6 to 7 yrs, I guess. By random things I mean to-do lists, goals, ideas, thoughts but never 'feelings' and 'emotions'. I probably have lots of such tiny notepads scattered and forgotten somewhere. Does that count as journaling??
I do that too, but that's separate from Journaling
Journal I maintain just what I did the previous day , a few words everyday (except when I'm too busy)
How much do you write for each day? And what do you write for days when nothing happened?
I write probably 5 lines everyday, even for days in which nothing interesting happened
Just what I did, if I ate a very nice meal, or watched something, or spoke with someone, or what I did at work !
Has anyone tried Jordon Peterson's self authoring program. Where I could find this without $
I am getting started with a daily journal any tips would be appreciated 👍
Going to the gym. Very underrated life lack, I’m less depressed that I was a couple of years back, reversed at least ...
Saying YOLO or IT IS WHAT IT IS. I was going to make bad decisions anyway, but at least this way I will have peace.
Understanding others perspective before jumping to any conclusion. Underrated statement but simplifies most of ...