
Toxic Manager forcing to resign

Hi folks, It’s a very detrimental time for me. I have been working with an organisation I don’t want to name. My manager is beyond Toxic, each day there hasn’t been a single day he hasn’t yelled at me and few other new folks in the team regardless of us doing heavy sweeping.

He is so Toxic that even through I have leaves he does not approve them, recently someone in my family passed away even through I discussed I will be out of station and would be on leave to which he agreed. He has rejected it on the 2nd last day, when I have booked the flights and assured my family that I will be there at this grave time when they need me.

I am at a point where he has pushed me to a point wherein I don’t have an option but to resign which he did around the financial year closing so the increment will be divided amongst less number of people.

I have an education loan to look after and responsibilities of my parents, I am the single breadwinner in the family at this point of time. Hanging in there is becoming really difficult.

Any advice or help would really help.

11mo ago
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