Ubs project
Hi Accenture folks, how is ubs project in Accenture? Any idea on that ?? Please give your insights on this bcoz Accenture wants me to give client interview before joining while I m on notice period in tcs. Your suggestions will be helpful. Thanks 🙏

@ShankarSanyasi Today I am asked to join UBS and work from client location Khardhi, can you please update me with work environment and things to note.
It really helps! Thank you

Well the client is fine and most of the time u will have good WLB except a few days while production release, apart from that things are fine. But for learning purposes I'm not sure how things turn out for you bcoz it totally depends on the pod and most of the development is done by white people and we just support and do testing. As you are a tester it will be fine for you since they are forcing even developers also to do testing.