
Unpredictable managers

My manager is completely unpredictable. I don’t know what they want, they give me unclear instructions and often do a 180 degree turn when it comes to delivering it. They trivialise my work sometimes, don’t take feedback very well, at this point they’re taking revenge when I finally stood up for myself and explained my issues.

I have around 5 years of work experience and worked with various types of people but I’ve never worked for such a person. I even went to therapy just to see if something’s wrong with me instead. This situation is affecting my confidence a lot since I’m also new in the organisation and not able to settle down.

Did you ever have such a manager and how did you deal with them?

16mo ago

This really seems like a shit team to work in but the only thing I have to say is that you start documenting everything and bring it up if your manager takes a 180 degree tum.

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