
Unsatisfactory appraisal

Had my appraisal meeting with the manager today and the feedback I received don't put me in a good light. The manager wants me to be more proactive and ask for more work. In the last 2 years more than half of my team has quit for whatever reasons and even with the increased workload that I completed on time, I have received a rating of "partially achieved". What's even weirder is that the rating was given before the appraisal meeting even started. The manager had made up their mind.

I see the market and feel grateful for a relatively safe job and a relatively fine package but this event makes me feel under-appreciated at work. My team lead still treat me like a fresher even though I have 2+ yoe and assigns high priority tickets to other team members. Given the fewer complex tasks in my bucket, the manager feels I'm not up to the task which is far from truth.

I want to make a switch and move on to better opportunities before long but I am worried whether this merit report will sour my chances when the HR asks for them during interviews / onboarding.

Have you had similar experiences? What did you do?

Also, am I wrong in being worried about the appraisal report affecting my chances at new companies?

TL;DR: Does a rating of "partially achieved" impact chances when applying to new jobs?

12mo ago
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Who ask rating from ex managers?


When I joined this company, the HR asked for my last hike letter. My hike letter in this company includes my rating.


I donā€™t think last hike letter matters that much for its content. Mostly itā€™s part of background check


Come talk to me in office tomorrow.


I'm sorry?


JK - just kidding bro

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