Unveiling Dreams: What If 100 Cr Came Knocking?"
Question 1: What will you do for the rest of your life? If a whopping 100 crores suddenly landed in your lap, envision the life you'd lead. What would your days be filled with? Let your imagination run wild and reveal the exciting possibilities!
Question 2: Your 100 Cr Adventure - From Investments to Acts of Kindness Picture this: 100 crores at your disposal. Dive deep into the intricate details of how you'd manage this fortune. From strategic investments to spreading smiles through charity, break down your financial roadmap step by step. Don't hold back on sharing how you'd pamper yourself and your loved ones too!
Question 3: Time vs. Treasure - The 100 Cr Dilemma Imagine this intriguing scenario: you're handed 100 crores, but in exchange, your age doubles instantly. Would you take the leap? Explore the paradox of time and wealth, and whether you'd trade years for riches.
Question 4: The Heart of it All - What Truly Matters? Amidst dreams of vast riches, what's the essence of your life? When you strip away the fantasies, what's the one thing that holds the utmost importance? Share your thoughts on the true foundation of your existence.
Let's see what extraordinary visions you conjure when 100 crores become the canvas for your desires and decisions!
You will be expected by relatives to loan them cash without expecting financial discipline.
Unknown people will attempt perpetually to get into your social circle, they will either end up pitching you some investment scheme one way or other.
Your significant other has a higher motivation to divorce you and find more spice in their life, now that they are suddenly owner of 50crores.
You will find ways to save taxes, some part of your daily time will go into tracking lots of financial instruments.
In case you are personally indisciplined one of these will deteriorate - health, wealth, sanity, empathy of others towards you
Your opinion on everything will suddenly matter and that's double edged sword, unconsciously people around you will treat you as a know-it-all and ideal person of their dreams, if you show one slight originality trait that is outside their scope of imagination they will try to bring you down socially.
Your kids have now very high chance of getting spoilt since money is no longer a deficiency in their life, they have nothing to find for anymore.
These are starters.
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