Upgrad WLB and Culture
Anyone here working for upgrad? Will be interviewing for them, just wanted to know about their WLB and other benefits? (If any lol?)
Wary of edtech startups being crapshoot and prone to layoffs, but overall they're giving a nice bump on my existing CTC, just want to make sure not jeopardizing something in the long run although my preference has been getting the bag but not at the cost of my sanity.

Outside of sales, the WLB is fairly okay. I won't say its great because there's always last- minute rush work and expect to have calls with leaders late evenings on a few days, it all depends on your team.
Company culture is subjective - are you coming from a company with strong work culture like a FAANG? Then you can expect confusing company culture. But if you're coming from a no name startup, expect some clarity with the A.S.P.I.R.E values. Again depends on your team if they believe in A.S.P.I.R.E :p
But yes, end of the day they do pay well and there are some benefits in terms of upskilling.

I'm coming from a series A startup (raised first round sometime after I joined), next year might get some equity, terrible wlb and chaos around startups and generally being underpaid has had me thinking, just scared of the runway they have and whether they'll survive next 2 years or not

What was your role there? Never understood the need to hire finance in early stage?

Work life would just be like any other EdTech. Worked there for a year and a half. My current department was better than what I’ve heard from most people in EdTech.
Expect long hours and the stress of targets and sales pressures. Apart from that depends which team and what your role is. I was in sales.

Role isn't sales thankfully, but finance, is it a 6 day work week by any chance? Also how would you rate the company culture Much thanks in advance, chief.