
Vulnerability Management: Exciting Opportunity or Tough Night Shift? Help Needed! Offered a Job in a Domain I Know Nothing About!

I’ve been on the bench for the past 3 months, primarily working with Java Fullstack, and have some experience with Python. Recently, I received a call regarding a Cybersecurity requirement, and I expressed my interest.

Shortly after, I was interviewed by a Senior Security Manager from Infrastructure Services for a role in Vulnerability Management. The position involves using a tool to scan systems for vulnerabilities, communicating with clients on remediation strategies, and generating reports based on the findings.

While this is a completely new domain for me, and I have no prior experience in security, I’m eager to explore this field. The only concern is the night shift, which runs until around 11:30 PM to 12:30 AM.

I’m seeking advice on a few key points:

How demanding or hectic is this type of work?

What responsibilities and challenges should I be aware of in Vulnerability Management?

What potential career paths could open up after gaining experience in this role?

I’d appreciate any insights, especially from those with experience in Security Management. Your guidance would help me make a more informed decision.

2mo ago
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