What do managers really want? Fed up of toxic bosses
All the People Managers here, comment below,
What do you really want out of your team and for yourself at work?
Do you really enjoy micromanaging people and showing off your authority by hyper monitoring them and messing up their work life balance? Do you want to be respected and loved by your team or you just want to be feared by them to feel better about yourself?
Using fear as a motivator does not really increase your team’s productivity you know?
Please enlighten me 🙏
I used to be a manager some 5 years back & I was probably the most loved by my reports. But I have seen my peers & bosses showing this bossy nature of theirs to extract work from people. Apparently they consider this as an entitlement to extract work from people.
One key difference I noticed with these people & me is:
These managers always enjoyed being on the good books of their bosses.
On the other hand, I as a Manager could hardly enjoy my rapport with my leaders as I was always more realistic. In fact I used to give a tough time to my boss by making him more responsible for things that he used to delegate to me and my subordinates.
Then there’s this other set of managers that magically maintain good relationships with both their subordinates & their bosses. I think that’s the art of true management which I could not crack myself.
We need more manager like you in this country.
Need to connect with you, a beloved manager.
I’m building a framework for first time managers to navigate the leadership world easily and without boring leadership theories.
Would love to get your thoughts on it!
- Take ownership of your work and don't keep on dragging it - should be that i have done this , validate it or i am stuck here how to move forward
- Know the objective - whatever it is your team is working on what is the end goal ? Is your task aligned with the end goal?
- Be open in asking questions - ask as many questions as you want but avoid doing same mistakes again
- Think before you share - if you are saying something is correct, i shouldn't need to check the same trust should be there both ways
- Do not do repetitive tasks - automate and move to next thing, i want to you to create impact using your brain not by manual tasks
- If you are not excited for your work - say it out loud and find a solution to it maybe with you skip manager and manager or some other way
- If you have some issues with your manager discuss with him if they are not resolved raise to your skip manager maybe others are also facing the same issue. If still no resolution look for a way out i guess
Manager's task is to fix your challenges, smoothen your work life and help you grow if that ain't happening somethimg's wrong
Sorry got carried away
I just want my reportees to own things and not wait for me to assign tasks and also try solving for problem statements before coming for help
Because they are bunch of idiots. They don’t know how to manage their sub ordinates. They are bad at making strategies. They never followed up earlier, and want only end results. No proper planning