
What do you value? And why?

I got a question. A simple one. If I/ an org told you right now "You got the job" after just ONE interview vs I/the org drags you through TEN interviews and then make an offer - Which one will you value more?

I asked around for the ONE interview case and most replied - What’s the catch? What makes you feel like you are on top of the world and changing your LinkedIn status in seconds - when someone has dragged you through TEN interviews, made you jump through every hoop, grill you with a hundred questions, and then, FINALLY say "You’re hired!". You’re beaming like you just won the lottery. Why???

Because we’ve been brainwashed to think VALUE comes from PAIN Because you think struggle equals worth Because we are conditioned you to think that if it’s easy, it’s cheap

Data proves that more interviews don’t mean better decisions Data shows that going beyond four interviews doesn’t improve hiring outcomes. It just wastes time and energy​. So why do you still buy that logic? When I asked around what if you get an offer after ONE interview, and most started questioning "Are they desperate? Is this even a legit offer?" But TEN interviews? Suddenly, it feels normal. Wait let me correct that - Suddenly you see it as valuable. That’s not clarity – that’s conditioning We’re confusing pain with validation

This is where we screw up. We distrust efficiency. We associate speed with lack of quality. Why are we so skeptical of simplicity but trust in chaos? Think about it: If you’re dealing with decision-makers who know their sh*t, why should they need 10 rounds to know you’re the right fit?

So I got to ask again - Which one would you value more? Ten interviews, then an offer? Or just one solid interview that gets straight to the point? Isn’t the biggest complaint among job seekers these days about long, drawn-out hiring processes? So why do we act otherwise?


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Experiences will make or break the value here. I had one solid interview, they came on call to discuss my future role. Company shut in 6 months

I had 6 rounds of interview with one Shark Tank company, didn't agree to their low ball package, had I accepted I would have stayed there for handful of years (their attrition is low for some reason)

In short, both can be bad. 10 interviews is definitely bad, it is tiring for candidates and tiring for HR to track too


@BiryaniEnthu neat perspective mate.

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