What exactly are they celebrating? The Downfall?
After posting inflated numbers to just portray themselves as superior against another competitor, Unacademy should truly focus on driving growth.
With Graphy doing miserably bad and online businesses degrowing by 45% , this company is very close to its final day.
Secondly Unacademy is the only Indian startup in which the top leadership has left within 2-3 years including CHRO, CFO, COO, COFOUNDER.

Left nahi bolte Bhai usko. Multi million exit to explore new opportunities bolte hai

What I notice in this picture is, where employees are standing and where founders are. Notice the divider ?

yeah do they need security or what?

Arey bhai aage Gaya tha woh selfie lene so that everyone comes in the frame

Even if it closes down, those who got chance to make money are happy while it lasted

Edtech companies are truly a joke.

But frankly they got what they set out for. They have made insane money and name for themselves.

Grapevine told me that RS has quit?

Enough pump and dump money to do anything