Problem 1 :
We teach children about the pride of our country,caste ,religion and the concept of god but not about Morale . Stop defending that a religion teaches the way of life and its enough.
Moral Science /Philosophy should be introduced in schools atleast till 9th std.Atleast at 9th std children should be taught about physical/Psychological changes in that age and controlling sexual urges ans channeling their thoughts towards their studies/career for a brighter future.
Also very importantly Children should be taught the necessity of being a good human and the rewards that come after it.And also the consequences and punishment in life and law when we derail from the path of Morality.
Problem 2 : For adults,
Some forum mentioned about death penalty or severe punishment.Im all in for it.Ill be glad if 100s of aholes are punished that way but what if One innocent man is falsely accused and hanged to death.Also countries with severe punishment still have higher crime rates w.r.t population.
Condemn if your friend thinks of hurting a woman,Stop if your friend wants to play the women's card by falsely accusing an innocent man.
Crime starts at home.Some happens when the criminals sees the opportunity and takes advantage of it in a haste (might regret later)but for some its a habitual thing...they stare at one phase then they harrass and they grope and they rape.
When a criminal is convicted for harassment he has high chances of moving into the next stage of physical abuse.Cos he is not afraid to commit a crime in the first place.
These kinds of criminals should be isolated and monitored through a weekly routine showups at the station.
Also we should label pink zones like Women's PG,Womens College,Maternity Nursing homes(maybe) ,Ladies Gym,Factory/Industries (where mostly women staffs are employed) and patrol should be increased for their safety.
Problem 3 : Society ..Lol ..Last and Interesting one
We only talk about something when its trending.Almost all of us are the same.We move on to the next trending song and swipe up and tadaaaa..thats it..😅
Indians forget things and its our national disease.(-From the Tamil Kamal movie -"Unnai Pol Oruvan" ).
"An average of nearly 85+ rapes a day were reported in India in 2022- as per NCRB" (googled obv)
We only talk about the one in the headlines.
Stop being emotional and complain about the country all the time.
As per UnitedNations on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
The Rape rate of India is 1.81 while UK(27.29) ,USA(27.31),NewZealand(25.85),Germany (9.38) has more rape rates(per 100k population)..
Even if you account to unreported cases per 100k population it would never surpass most of the top European/Western countries.
So stop Blaming the country all the time please and for a developing country interms of woman safety (especially in south India) we are doing good.
I had to mention the North/South divide here cos the highest rape rates in the country are from North India sadly.
Rajasthan(my fav state in the Golden Traingle)
Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh,Maharashtra-as per NCRB(Please correct if my factual data is wrong..Tired of typing)
this is my Longest post ever in a social media.Lol.Excuse and please correct me incase of any mistakes.(Especially the rape rate of countries)
And Besides Rape we have other major problems to worry as well.
Please find the image in the attachment 😅