
What to do?

I have been sending applications, taking follow ups but all in vain. From the beginning of 2024 I have made over 5000+ applications over emails, job portals, company/firms websites, recruiters and via WhatsApp and received only 2 interviews.

Out of the two interviews, in first one I didn't had enough experience for the job so they didn't follow through and in the second my final round with the CEO never came through as the company decided to take someone from internal team only.

Now I am almost broken from inside out, seeing no way through.

Please guide me, enlighten me in order to deal and proceed with this situation.

My brief: I am a corporate lawyer and currently working as an in-house lawyer with over 2 years of work experience.

4mo ago

In house legal roles are notoriously hard to get through externally

Someone once told me that often these roles are not even advertised because it's preferred they're filled in through referrals

I'd highly recommend using your network and connections to get you a role

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