
What's Popping? - New from Grapevine

Hey folks, I know you've probably been wondering about this one:

I'm super excited to share pops with all of you. Our new product that is focused on short messages that disappear within 48 hours. Please update your app to see what's popping!

Why did we make this?

  1. Grapevine 'posts' are great for detailed discussions, but we also wanted to create a product where its super easy to share something that's on your mind in real time
  2. We believe newer content types will help capture more of the actual 'grapevine' which happens offline every day amongst people
  3. We wanted to create a product where time-to-post was less than 10 seconds

Hope you get a chance to check this out. It's now available on the top of the home page of the app

Post image
3mo ago
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Why? What's the need for this feature? What problem does it solve where this was needed? Or is this the app is evolving to be? I see the 3 points but it doesn't make it clear for me why i should share something on GV like this esp. when i should be focused on managing it. Infact, i would request to make the current version better - copy-paste or edit posts within 15mts, better moderation esp. spam and incendiary posts, faster launch and refresh to name a few.

While i appreciate making it more interactive, i still think that this is a distraction at this time.


The way I see it, a product like this is good at capturing more unstructured thoughts.

These could be:

  • Rants/reactions on work or some industry news.
  • A random idea that someone wants to float around, and get an early temperature check on.
  • A funny thought that occurred to you in the shower.
  • A moment from work/life that someone else might relate to.
  • And so on…

Not everything warrants a detailed discussion, with nested comments, and needs to sit around forever.

I also like that it’s a small unit on top of my feed. If I don’t feel like engaging with it, I can just scroll past it to the usual feed I’m used to. But once in a while, it’s a nice detour to get a vibe of what others on the platform are thinking/feeling in their more raw form.

But yeah, it’s also on the people to share relevant things which make this platform good. There’s certainly a risk it becomes filled with only cringe and memes - leading to yet another doomscrolling product.


Your last para captures why i think these are a distraction now

Already GV is popular and I'm sure the young crowd here uses it along with IG, LI, WA and other apps.

Some of your ideas are good but i suspect that rants/reactions are the things that people wish in hindsight that they didnt post compared to others. Even after it disappears after sometime, people could screenshot or record it and then they realize their mistake.

Anyways my vote is small amongst the group here so if @Micheal_Scott did a poll, i'm sure a lot of votes would be towards liking it


Love the feature. But I have a suggestion, give an option to convert the posted Pops to a usual post so that it can remain for long if so desired. Imagine that I posted a Viral news on Pops, and there were several comments on it, some very useful ones, I would prefer that it could be retained for future references and further discussion beyond the 24 hrs. May be you could put some conditions for eligibility, like only Pops with 100 comments could be converted to usual posts, or something like that.


48 hrs


Love the poster Although none of us have a desk that beautiful 😢


@AlphaGrindset 😂


Quite enjoyed it when it had been launched in the Company page. Look forward to what the whole Grapevine community can bring to Pops. :)


@UnwittingTherapist ❤️

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Grapevine app update!

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