What's your most embarrassing moment in your office

2010 first day at project I join after training. Desk allocated next to boss but work not allocated yet. Take the newspaper out of the bag cross legs open it wide and start reading. Sniggers and gasps on the floor. Everybody knows a fresher had joined 😅

Everybody knows a fresher has joined.
Assuming you didn't know you were sitting beside your boss and ignoring the "cross-legged" body language.
If you were to advise your younger self, 13 years into the workforce, what would you suggest he should have done instead?

Would not have advised anything. It's not in my list of regrets.

I work at tcs.

It's good only :)))
You're fine, mate. As long as you aren't filling timesheets for a 70 at Infy.

Was sitting without my shirt but my camera was off. I started my screen share and opened a new tab and a new meeting tab opened by mistake. Everyone saw me through screen share even though my camera was off. It was embarrassing.

Was discussing an outdoor creative for an International marketing campaign : The marketing lead (a female) said on call : A white guy and a black guy would be best.
Everyone sniggered
The project manager replied : I am gonna pretend I didn’t hear that.

Assume my name is Rahul. Not embarassing but funny, joined a meeting of around 40 people and the speaker said "Hi Rahul" and I unmuted and with the top of my voice said "Hi Rahul" back, everyone including me burst into laughter right after.

Being asked to share my screen in front of seniors and work on an Excel… “Now apply this formula, now sum up diagonally” etc. etc.
I would literally be shivering internally because I’d feel so stupid

You work in program management or something? That requires this heavy excel? Sounds terrifying

I was interning at a mid sized firm. On one end of the office, there was MD’s cabin, adjacent to it was meeting room, adjacent to it was washroom and adjacent to it was cafeteria.
First 3 days of internship, used the washroom I mentioned above.
On the 4th day, when I left the washroom, got stopped by the cleaner and he told me “Ye MD sir ka personal washroom hai. Employees washroom bahar hai”
I had been using MD’s personal washroom for 3 days💀💀💀. Funnier part is, the way to the washroom goes through all the sitting spaces. Fking employees saw me using that but never stopped.

I don't think it would have been as much of a taboo for the employees. If say all stalls of employee washroom are filled, the company will prefer me going in the MD washroom over HR's pet plant in lobby.

What are the most embarrassing moments you’ve seen happen at work?
Because, I saw this happen to a colleague today. 😂

Embarrassing moment at EY 🤫
Sharing an old story:
I’ll never forget the Monday morning of that all-hands meeting at EY in 2020. It was one of those mega-virtual meetings where they had every office tuning in, live-streamed for employees across verticals. It was ...

Awkward tales
What you do when you meet you manager or manager's manager in washroom?
And pls share other awkward office tales in the comments.