Where the f are 10x Recruiters?
Everyone talks about hiring 10x engineers 10x marketer, 100x Growth guys but no one talks about finding 10x recruiters. And the more I think - you know why you never even thought about a 10x recruiter - because most companies don’t even deserve one
A 10x recruiter doesn't exist in your company because your system is designed to crush them. You reward mediocrity - quick hires, cheap salaries, finding people who can join today and "fit in". A 10x recruiter wouldn't survive your pseudo metrics-driven, quantity-over-quality hiring machine. They’d burn out or leave because your priorities are f*ing backwards.
Disagee? Okay ... Think about this.. Would you like being challenged as a hiring manager? Most HM's cant hold an argument, their titles enters the conversation before they open their mouth - forget having a conversation as equals & pairing to solve a problem Would you like push backs? And when they do.. Go on.. Write the recruiters off as ... Dude has got attitude problem Isn't your default OS: I dont need to invest time, just get me the results
Which is why most recruiters are a cog in your broken system
You want a 10x recruiter - think beyond you broken-a*s KPIs Your 10x recruiter doesn't exist or is a rarity because you have turned hiring into a conveyor belt
10x recruiter are thinkers, problems solvers, risk takers 10x recruiters see patterns others miss 10x recruiters doesn't work for a particular hiring manager/ org - they work for a mindset 10x recruiters measure their success differently 10x recruiters aren't a myth. They exist.
Before I forget.. here I am writing about a 10x recruiter .. meanwhile, I know there's a candidate out there reading this going: I don’t need a 10x recruiter. I just need a 0.5 recruiter who doesn't ghost me. A 0.25 recruiter who replies to emails A 0.15 recruiter who can give me a straight answer Or maybe just a 0.0001 recruiter who remembers I exist after I click apply
See the real problem now?

10x recruiter is the one who knows the difference between React, react.js, React.js and who doesn't screen out a next.js developer
Or doesn't discount a fastify or nest.js developer for a node.js role

I might be dumb about this topic, but what's the difference between the three reacts?
I personally feel they are all the same, just different naming convention.

Ok Victor. We will get back to you soon 🔜


10x recruiters are called headhunters and there are plenty of them, filling "actual" critical roles that drive the machinery.
If you ever get a chance, see how CXO recruiting happens (and I'm not talking about 100-300-500ppl startup)

Bro keep cooking, companies need this slap on their face

But I don't undestand one thing, how does the head huntig works. I get job invites on LinkedIn from recruiters for 3-4 yoe roles although on my profile I have clearly mentioned that I have 1 yoe. Then why do they keep sending in mail mssgs on LinkedIn and after I reply on the mssg I never get a reply or a callback from recruiters after applying.

IMHO - you can take a horse to a pond, you can’t make it drink water right. Tools and intelligence to use the tool .. are in the exact same reference. Specially LinkedIn recruitment strategy

Most recruiters are just coordinators who follow a process, never question, rarely ever problem solve. But then again as are most product managers. And do not even get me started on HR people.

In our country everything is... bikau .... Policy makers, authorities, politicians. Then how can you expect such a dream world. Even we - common employees are not watchful on our policymakers rather than We are just becoming their fans.
So just keep pushing your boundaries and help each other to get the dream filled.