
Which is the best value to judge someone's financial capabilities? Networth or credit score or something else?

4mo ago

I don't have context. If one has to judge for marriage then one should not judge financial capabilities but rather CAN HE MAKE YOU FEEL SECURE AND SAFE TODAY AND LONG TERM.

A decent earner can make you feel that and a billionaire too. But a decent earner will have more time to listen to you, entertain your tantrums, and love the kid inside you.

Personally, in my experience men start with less money and keep on climbing the ladder as long as they have support and mental peace from family. Their family becomes their motivation.


Does everything for you revolve around marriage?

Not everyone is thinking marriage sire


Poor guy was just trying to give an answer despite the question being vague...

But financial capabilities to do what? Capability to buy a house or just get a credit card?


There’s no best value or best tool to judge someone’s financial capabilities, some thoughts but may not be only the way to judge.

Does this person have enough money to sustain themselves and their family (If dependents are there) during crisis is an important question to ask, what if you lose the job or the business is lost for one to two years?

Credit score is built by bankers to assess the history of a person to see ability to manage debit responsibly and make timely payments but score of a person who never took a loan vs someone who has ten emi’s a month will have different scores, might help you assess short-term capability.

Networth the aggregation of all your cash, assets minus debits, maybe you can use for longterm financial capability .

Financial capability is not only to make money but to make it work for you, keeping it in a bank account vs putting on Index or building something that builds continuous income.

So you need to sum a few things to determine that. Hope this makes sense.

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