
which is worse: Toxic ex or toxic workplace

Broke up in 2020, thought of giving all my energy to my job as my career won't wake up one day and say I don't love you.

Jan 2024 update - Got silent laid off from EY. Anyone else going through the same trauma? How to heal?

9mo ago
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Can't help either. If you truly want independence, look into starting up your own business/side hustle.

As for partners, they come and go. Don't take personally.


How has your professional journey been if I may ask? How has your experience been? Has someone been very mean to you at your professional space?

Also, for partners, you mentioned they come and go. Then how do I trust someone for marriage? What if he also leaves after sometime?


I've worked more than 10 jobs in 10+ years, mostly content and marketing. Bootstrapped a startup successfully for the last 5 years. Didn't make a lot of money but was self sufficient and also helped my personal branding. Now looking to work on something new or maybe take up a job. Kind of burnt out after 5 years of constant bootstrap. Did get an investment offer but too many t&c so had to decline.

Most jobs suck and aren't meaningful. Money was never a primary motivator for me anyways. I'd rather earn less but do good work I can be proud of. Which I am.

Nothing else gives you as much independence and freedom as your own business/side hustle imo. More stressful, yes. But worth it imo. Better than wondering when the layoff axe will fall on you.


You know the saying when life gives you lemons make lemonade:

Similarly a break up can be traumatising but is a learning experience to reflect on. Next relationship you should make better decisions.

Layoff can also make us reflect on what path we should take. Maybe the job was not right for you in the long term. You can definitely bounce back from this.

I have seen people who have gone through both and are Married happily now and have overcome layoffs as well.

Stay happy and talk to your safe people. There a tons of people who have gone through this and are now living normally. It's not the end of the world 🌎


Thank you for these kinds words. Definitely helped me to calm down :)


I have both together and ai think I reap toxicity


Forget the toxic ex and the toxic job and move on. There is always something better waiting for you at the end of a bitter experience. There is no point wasting our energy/thoughts on toxic people/employers. The best re venge is to prosper and do extremely well in your career so that your ex and toxic employer both regret losing you.


Only time will heal. Just take care of yourself and don't give up. This too shall pass.


Emotional problems don’t have rational answers … either the emotion fades over time or you grow past the emotion


Those are two separate things. You cant compare them with each other. Instances like this is gonna happen throughout life, you just have to trust yourself and no one else. Trust yourself that you would be able to bounce back no matter what the situation is. People gonna betray you, just trust yourself that would be able to BOUCE BACK! Be STRONG!

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