[Who is hiring] 2024 Nov 🧵
If your company is hiring, let us know if you can provide a referral or can help somehow. Be ready with a fake/temporary Email Id to accept applications/resume, or ask to DM.
If you know any other company hiring: Would be better if you could provide the link to the job or company or its career page.
If you know a stealth or very small startup hiring right now, do share someone's LinkedIn/Twitter profile whom we can reach out.
If you have recently interviewed at a company, try to share a bit about their expectations and interview experience.
Wherever possible, try to mention the tech stack and years of experience expected.
Happy Hunting/Helping 🙂

Accenture is hiring a lot. Can help for Application roles

Hello brother, I am searching for a new job role since July 24. But o am not getting any response from any company. Can you pls help me for a position of application support associate role

I m freshers and looking for job in finance. Will it be possible to get a chance to work.

check out https://dreamrefer.com and ask referrals from top companies employees within hours. It’s totally free!

Hiring a PM https://forms.gle/JiiYp5X3FJBeca4M8

@Micheal_Scott can this be pinned or something to boost visibility or is there any other thread for this month?