Why are female Managers toxic?
In my closed circle I have heard very horrific stories of how toxic females are in management compared to their male counterparts.
These are personal points & not facts. Would love to hear on what others have faced in their career paths!

I've had both amazing and toxic af female managers. Here's a different perspective. Something a lovely female VP said a few years ago was that they felt extra pressure to be nice and yet stern. Understand their reporters better than their male counterparts and yet maintain professionalism. She described often having to walk the line of friend and manager like a tightrope and still facing criticism from her manager as well as reporters. I wonder if it's also about tempering expectations?

She be too toxic

Counter to my personal experience, have been lucky to have had good managers across both genders. They're different in characteristics.
Most toxic managers I have heard about have been males (only because there are more of us in the workforce)

Yeah, in my experience, female managers tend to be more jealous, especially if your salary as an Engineer is higher than their salary as a Manager.
I had this situation a couple of times, and every time my female manager tried to suppress my annual bonus and increment by giving me bad ratings in spite of great performance.
Had to dispute my ratings and fight political battles to finally get the rating and increment I deserved

Won't mind a "strict" female boss 😂🤣😹 If you know what I mean!