Why do dating/matrimonial platforms end up going for unethical practices
It's the same story with so many platforms. They start off well, then start making it difficult for users over time to get matches. Eventually it becomes pay-to-match completely, especially for men.
Is it really that difficult to run an honest matchmaking platform that actually does its job for a decent price or just ads? Has anyone tried starting their own or worked on platforms like these?

It feels similar to the case of one going to certain doctors. They may be able to cure you in one sitting, but why do that when they can make you a recurring patient and have you see them 4-5 times. Dating apps don’t want you to leave. Their business does well when you perpetually searching.
On the other hand, investors need growth and retention numbers to continually improve, which pushes them to cut corners and resort to black hat tactics.

Honest matchmaking platforms would lose their best customers (lonely people) if they did their job.
It's a balance between customer acquisition via word of mouth marketing of successful matches vs customer retention by unsuccessful swipes.
A good platform would be where users can be monetized even after finding their partner - but this comes with scrutiny as not uninstalling the platform sends a message that one is still fishing for a better/different match.
Is there a way to solve this conundrum?

I have a possible solution in mind but it's an offbeat approach. Exploring some ideas with friends.

Are you thinking across these lines:
Create an ecosystem:
One app for matching/casual dating
Then another for serious dating (exclusive)
Then another for marriage.
Create a user journey of a couple across these three apps. Consider both moving forward - matching/casual dating - serious dating - marriage
As well as backward movement From serious dating to back to matching, From marriage to back to matching

Why can't it be pay? Can you describe your issues in detail? The ratio of men to women is so off that these issues are bound to happen

Matrimony and dating apps make money by not doing their one and only job - matchmaking.
If they matchmake then user will not pay.
Irony but trye

Still AI's can't decode human emotions and suggest perfect match. Pay-to-match is to pay the RMs(Humans) who does this job and obviously higher the fees better the exp(Top of pyramid) of RMs.