
Why do people shit on product managers

Coding is like solving 2+2 but coders take pride in the fact that you do it in English but I can do it in Sanskrit.Iykwim. I have coded for two years and as long as you're well versed in a language it's like making simple additions and subtractions in that language. Still coders make mistakes because they're lazy and incompetent like the rest of us . 80 percentage of coders just solve basics and still act like it's a big deal . Product Managers are not special I get it but coders are not special too just by knowing a language. It's like a bilingual person shitting on someone who knows just one language. When we all know if you're brought up in a certain way it's very easy to speak in two languages like we all do in India.

13mo ago

While I agree that shitting on any role (PM in this case) is dumb, your statements on programming are ignorant and incorrect. It's more than maths and knowing languages, the same way being a PM is more than just gathering requirements and framing the product. I've been lucky to work with good ones so far


Hare Ram krishna prabhu ye kya hua!! Coding is like 2+2!! And that comparision with bilingual person!!


One reason could be and this is something that I’ve observed as well is that entry/mid level product managers are a bit apathetic towards devs/designers and knowingly or unknowingly insinuate that their. (Devs/designers) jobs are way easy than they think. Now, this may not necessarily be true for every org. but I’ve observed this first hand.


Only someone with no awareness can do something like this . Designers I get those guys just make pretty coding is first principal thinking just like business case studies in product solutioning


I think you’re trying to make a good points, but with the wrong analogies.

You’re right in saying that most engineers (coders) are overrated. Probably coz it’s extremely easy to be an average coder. You just need to be smart enough to know a language, read code and google well. We can build great things but ask us to explain why we did what we did and most of us will just mumble for a few minutes before saying that a blog post/stack overflow/OAI asked us to do it.

Product managers, on the other hand has more responsibility by definition, is a cross department stake holders and overall just has higher stakes. Some of the best engineers I’ve worked with transitioned to product roles.

To your original question on why people shit on PMs

  1. Title is abused. People who manage just excel sheets and WAs groups are also called product managers.

  2. It sounds easy. Everyone feels they could be a PM. It’s like SQL. Syntax is easy so you’ll always get answers but it requires a lot of skill to know if the answer is correct and what you did was optimised.

  3. Shit ton of companies that shouldn’t exist have existed. All of them are solving problems no one cares about and product people have romanticised the whole thing with jargon like cohorts, AB, DAU, MAU, Retention. The list goes on. Obviously, these are all important things but they are used more for making it sound important than actually solving in most companies.


I'm sure whatever you "coded for 2 years" is nowhere close to what software engineering is. You should know the introductory python and c++ courses you took aren't what software engineers do in their job. I personally shit on some of the product managers in my department simply because they say stupid shit and clearly have no idea of what they're talking about. No hate for product management in general though.


First line is the reason why coder shits on PM


Lol. My god this post is too dumb to write anything on.
And you ask why PMs get shat on?

You would never get it. Because it takes doing real and actual work. If you have been a fraud throughout, how would you ever understand? All I can say is 'poor little puppy'. Do ur kaiiin kaiinn elsewhere kiddo


Why can’t everyone gel in a team and stop putting each other down?


Are you a project manager ?


Its a team effort, the pm alone can’t do it and the dev alone can’t do it. Sooner people understand better.

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