UnInstalling Paytm
I have n no. Of apps doing same stuff what Paytm does.
After postpaid feature missing, I guess it's time to uninstall Paytm?
What do u think 🤔

To avoid clutter in the bank account statements. Top up once and keep on making small transactions wherever required.
I use it because of FasTag 😂
Convenient. UPI can be a headache sometimes. A bank server showing degraded performance is a major one.
Your money can be debited from your account, and get stuck on the way. The app says check after some time.
It can take up to a couple of days to resolve.
This happens rarely, but when it does, it is a complete nightmare. If I'm paying at a shop, I'd rather pay via wallet than UPI.
Can also load Paytm wallet with credit cards, it's almost cash. And Refunds to payments made from wallet are instant, while one may need to wait 1 week for any refund.
For me it's ease of use. Long ago I had set up auto load from bank. Now bills, fasttag and numerous small payments get done automatically. Also for regular online shopping like big basket you can connect wallet and forget about inputting OTP and cvv every time
For many it is also a way of keeping aside X amount as budget for a spend.
I use it for discipline - every month I top up the with x amount and use it for commuting and bills and try to reduce my spends if I'm quickly draining the wallet. Whatever's left, I spend it for leisure at the end.
Not wallet, but postpaid whenever available. It’s not good idea to hit bank server for every Rs.20 chai. Not going to look good on statement, for good tracking.
OCD case. Forget room and house they can’t even see bank statement cluttered. And don’t say “book keeping” - if you’re maintaining accounts for some regulation then you need to account your wallet balances and statements too, not just bank account.
Works for nri folks more easily compared to gpay n phone pe
I have n no. Of apps doing same stuff what Paytm does.
After postpaid feature missing, I guess it's time to uninstall Paytm?
What do u think 🤔
Folks, I have been loyal paytm user but seeing recent developments about their wallet, looking for alternate wallet app which can give UPI facility and other things which paytm has.
Bc it's the worst app gives error all the time not even frictionless what's the reason I want to know
Their UPI app is the best out there.... The company which lets their product speak... Kudos to them 🥂🎉