Why is the Indian government going after startups through suffocating regulations? There is a pattern : crypto -> fintech -> gaming. What is the greater good story in these moves?

They’re boomers. Whatever is unknown is scary and needs to be regulated. Very anti-business tbh.

Lol!! Profiting on gambling is not poor policy. Higher taxes is good for you and me

Gambling should be banned. Not blodd taxed. People's lives get destroyed. Govt should be banning all such apps. But what does govt do? Hamara hafta do

Because it is their job to ensure that the most vulnerable don't screw up their lives

Crypto is as good as gambling. Not supported by any fundamentals. Why would govt not go after it to.protect the most vulnerable. For fintechs why would the govt put up with high risk , high leverage and malpractices? Not only govt even Google has come after fintechs now. Also gambling is the main profitable wing of gaming companies in india

Mandir bnaane ka startup krte hain...that will boom!!

https://www.srimandir.com/ be careful what you wish for.

Greater good + government+ regulations is a combo that doesn't exist. Govt is gonna keep increasing taxes. They cut corporate tax rate a few years ago, that shortfall has to be made up somewhere. Making tax an election issue is the way to go.

Lol. No love for gambling. Let it suffocate

Jab tak Ambani aur Adani nahi ayega koi yeh danda nahi kar sakta

One of the reasons why IT industry grew such gigantic size in India is that poor babus and politicians didn’t understand what information technology is and how to impose rules to generate bribe for themselves. Government will always frame laws and regulations so that politicians and bureaucrats will get enough bribe and authority to safeguard themselves if at all they were caught.
If at all they really want to do good for society there are thousands of evils which are flourishing but they are already generating bribes for them. So they won’t regulate those.