Why landlords don’t like renting to bachelors': Pics of trashed Bengaluru apartment go viral

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20mo ago
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One landlord rented out to a married couple... (Check boxes sanskar)... Husband kills wife due to domesticated dispute, apartment is now a murder scene. Thousand of such cases every month across the country, it not more. So can we conclude that married couples should not be given apartments ?

We can, but these cases are so low that landlord mindset is still in favour of married couples..


There is a beautiful subject called probability. What is the probability of a husband killing his wife? What is the probability of a bachelor making a flat dirty?


The owner broker cartel has now taken to PR on public groups. This is just another way to justify the obnoxious deposits being charged in Bangalore. This owner had with him, a deposit of 85k of which he would have kept one month of rent for ‘cleaning and painting charges’. A sum of 10k should be enough to get his palace deep cleaned. The audacity of these owners has started to surpass their greed.


I was thinking the same. Yeah, it was dirty but not broken! The owner could have just called UC and gotten deep cleaning done. He anyway had 85k!


Not someone from Bangalore but it’s best not to generalise based on few instances. Just proper due diligence of tenant should be done before providing. There’s already hefty deposit taken for such case


C'mon. The flat that I have rented, the previous tenant used to be married. They left the flat in a horrible condition.

Ye sab mentality pe depend karta hai not on your marital status.

Yes landlord ki mentality hi aisi ban gayi hai ki married couples are ok but bachelor's are not.


These are just human to human judgement. Our previous tentants were young married couple, both working at reputable companies.
Left with half empty wine bottles, stinking vegetables under drawers, months old packed food. Bathrooms were another shit show


Gurgaon it was btw

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