I don't take much salary in my personal account (20-25k max, sometimes less). Just got a refund of 3k lol.
Moved back to hometown with parents (3 yrs ago), travel/vacation every few months. Completely WFH , no office space, no employees, all contractors/part timers working with me. 3-5 hours of active work per day.
Personal health insurance and minor expenses I do through company account. Minimal taxation in businesses as well, revenue isn't more than a crore combined. Zero personal debt, zero debt on companies. Few personal assets and investments (less than 20L).
It's the most peaceful life I've ever had tbh. More income brings more headache, taxation and expenses. Finding a sweet spot where headache, paperwork , risk and tax is minimal is not easy, but worth it. Everyone can figure out their own trade offs.
It is the best time to be a small business owner in India with all kinds of opportunities cropping up in various segments. Especially if you're exporting products/services.
Have a few more friends doing the same. We're the only ones who have free time to catch up with each other while salaried people seem to be mostly busy/tired. I really want more people to explore opportunities around themselves, and maybe not burn out while trying to maximize their earnings at the cost of other things.
Hope this helps :)