
Planning for 2-3 yrs break to start my own manufacturing busi

Hi Guys

I am planning to take 2-3 yrs break to start something of my own. Currently I work as engineering manager / Lead developer.

My plan is to take 2-3 yrs break and try my own manufacturing business. I will continue on that path if it works out otherwise will be back to IT. My question is did anyone try taking a break to start something of their own?

How does Indian companies take such breaks?

11mo ago

hi stupid, you have any family business exp? i mean out of the blue from IT to manufacturing is too much off field, just curious


I dont but i will job in some company first will be doing research etc before jumping. I will make sure that i dont jump without enough knowledge


okay, that’s the neat part, you’ll be having first hand experience, can make informed decision, cool.

now you know what to do; i wish you bad luck, try and then give up!


I’m in a similar boat. I’ve taken a break to try stuff out but I’m in a similar field as I’m trying out a software business. I’m learning a lot and hoping to be more employable even if the business doesn’t work out . I’m sure atleast startups will appreciate the skills I’m building. If you have savings to survive, I’d say YOLO. You may or may not regret if you tried, but you will definitely regret never trying .


Thanks, couple of questions

  1. How much saving did you accumulate before trying this?
  2. What are you working on? Is it product or service that you provide?
  3. How much time did if take you to start earning your first paycheck through this?


  1. I accumulated about 1 year's worth of my expenses but I moved back home to save on rent and other stuff. I'm in a fairly privileged position as I have nobody financially dependant on me. Parents are self-reliant and I'm unmarried so I only have to take care of myself.
  2. I'm building a niche B2B software product which will hopefully generate recurring revenue.
  3. I only quit about 3 months ago, Still in the building phase and I'm yet to earn any money from this.

You can possibly join a startup. They like people who have got their hands dirty in the past.


Taking a break to play business? You're not in kindergarten. Either be a committed entrepreneur or a dedicated employee. Choose.


you can put good expertise of your tech knowledge to the manufacturing business


Best of luck


Bravo for the entrepreneurial spirit! Indian companies might frown, but who cares? You're the boss of your destiny. What's your first step?


What do you plan on manufacturing ? I was thinking if you can hire someone to manufacture things for you and you can sell them part time without leaving the job and once it generates a sustainable amount of income you drop the job to do fulltime


Why manufacturing? You can just whitelabel products


Anyone here having experience in business in Indian market? Would like to connect to talk and exchange tips on how to grow. If possible we can connect on telegram. Theash45

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