
Taking a break

Thinking of taking a break for approx 1/1.5 years from tech, and trying for UPSC / PSC. Wanted to understand how hard would it be to get back in corporate after the gap ? If someone has successfully tried and can share their experience, it would be really helpful.

13mo ago

If u can clear pre then resign.

If u r general category and under above age 23 then clear pre and then take break and clear mains.

UPSC = Lottery nowadays.

It's not cat or IIT but upsc... hardwork n luck matters more unlike previous.

Also introspect why u want to become an IAS or IPS...


What's there to introspect? It's about power influence and corruption money.


Haha that's correct
Many of my friends who are JE or AE in government, joined for corruption money and not for monthly salary.
Vese bhi engineer ko 20-30k doge to corruption to karega hi.


You will given a real lowball offer when you try to get back because you would be really vulnerable at the point. I know one of my seniors who did this - he did his SDE stint for 2 years, left to try UPSC for 2 years, couldn't crack it, applied for every role but companies were sceptical of his work ethic if he won't try to pursue a 3rd attempt after joining so he was lowballed and given SDE-1 offer even after 2YoE. He now has completed 1 year with the company and still waiting for promotion to SDE-2.

Your career trajectory will really be affected by such a career gap because it's not like a sabbatical where you are working on improving your skill/health. You are essentially questioning your career choices and attempting to do something risky. You lose faith from employers because of this move.

I would strongly suggest to reflect and think why you want to pursue UPSC/PSC. And you need to be answerable for the fact why did you leave a good high paying job at Microsoft to be a civil servant.

In a nutshell, it's not hard to get back to tech after such a gap but be ready to accept lowball offers.


Hey, can you please connect me on email to your senior, I'm currently in a similar situation and I can really use his help.


Hey Serene I'm not an aspirant but if you are confident enough to crack. Go ahead! Don't consider what if it won't. If you keep a Plan B C, your mind will never focus on this.

All the very best!


Nice suggestion


Try while working itself ,take more attempts if required.


Write CAT too, know of many batchmates you have been selected in top IIMs when they gave up the dream of pursuing UPSC, this allows an easy slide back into corporate in case you give up on UPSC.


Arey u have already won lottery by being in Microsoft, for FFS its mf MICROSOFT ! if you don’t clear UPSC, u need to lower your expectations for sometime and after couple of job hopping you would come back right on track.
Go for UPSC for at least 4 years, its one in lifetime chance to escape skulduggery of corporate meaningless life.


That is a very big gap....


Been there, done that, gave up a good corporate from MNC for UPSC, missed cutoff by 8 marks...now again searching for Corporate jobs...while some of my colleagues have settled in US. Still not married, lost dad in between, grey hairs started to grow due to stress, became a celibate for nearly 5 years. Now rising again from ashes. UPSC is not for everyone, it should be done from young age, coz u understanding the pattern and game itself will take 1 attempt minimum. So minimum 2 attempts are needed, so either start early or crack prelims with job by understanding the pattern then resign before mains. No point in giving UPSC if you are from Microsoft, don't waste your career, try for Faang companies or get a job abroad with your experience. You can gain a lot of knowledge from preparing, but it would be useful only if you clear or else it will be nightmare, coz studying about everything and still going for a corporate job will be hard to digest.


I would suggest you prepare while working.. Upsc is hell hard...but it's doable with consistency and right preparation...I have seen people clearing exams along with their job...but it requires a lot of patience and sacrifices.

Take your own time and try to analyse yourself...once decided just stick to it...


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