
Will I ever get even the industry's 80%?

2011-12 - Spent a year writing short story. Got published with a sister brand of Penguin 2013-15 - Built pages on Facebook with 11M+ followers. Started my own content websites; earned via AdSense 2015-18 - Quit the previous gig to work as a full time. Content writer to manager to Performance Marketer to social media head to editor in chief among 3 different organisations. 2019-21 - Quit textual content for video. Marketed multiple TVF shows and YouTube sketches. Built Tiktok. Delivered multiple influencer led campaigns at Radio Mirchi. Now, in this journey, I had taken two paycuts as I had accumulated good money in the first three years. Plus, my idea was "If I diversify and learn multiple things, I'll get better at my job. So, salary would be a byproduct" That, however, hasn't happened. I'm at 40-50% of my ex-colleagues with similar experience. 2023 - Joined a fintech, taking care of my UI, UX, Customer experience, education, etc. Any comments on my fate?




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