Anyone from CRED?
I need to connect with Kunal Shah regarding my startup. Is there anyone willing to help me with this? 8252526474 WhatsApp me...please

@ThousandSunny Kunal Shah has probably invested in hundreds of startups.
Why would he give you time in his day? I mean, what’s your value proposition for him?
Once you figure that out, you will be able to get in touch.

Buddy I have figured it out, just help. Sadly, this is where Western culture is great.| Our helping nature.| Is just words.

Buddy, we won’t have his number no?
The best idea is always to build leverage first. Try your luck at cold emailing or tweeting at him.
But the reason why I’ve been able to reach out to industry hotshots is through leverage.
Leverage can be of several types but I’ll talk in terms of your context.
Virality Is your startup viral? Has the product been showcased in a manner that it went viral on social media. Think about the guys who got in touch with Kunal Shah because they made a crazy design ad for cred and got full time offers.
Credibility Do you have credibility stamps that would entice him to respond back to you. That could mean everything from your pedigree to fame. You wouldn’t respond to any kid on LinkedIn if you got 100s of dms asking for referral everyday.
So build on these two things and if you already have it then go ahead and reach out to him via email/twitter/LinkedIn.
Like this isn’t rocket science.