
Bengaluru - An Attitude Check

Keeping my biases aside, I've seen 2 sides of the entire people's behaviour and culture:

  1. Locals (folks from the city/state) are known to refer to the ones from other states as "outsiders" or "immigrants". We have seen some extreme cases where the people not from Karnataka are expected to understand Kannada.

  2. People from outside, working in Bengaluru seem to complain about things beyond the point 1 instances and keep saying "It's just the weather that's good, everything else sucks".


  1. Having more people (especially working individuals) in the city has a direct impact on city/state revenues. These working individuals earn, and spend

  2. Flexing "Kannada" by locals (especially service providers) is stupidity. They do realise that if the population drops they'll have lesser business (think, autos and cab drivers asking passengers to know Kannada)

  3. People flocking in the city for their jobs, the traffic problems are obvious - if you opt for shared transport (metro, buses), we'll find a slightly relaxed traffic. You flex your two and three wheelers, what do you expect?

  4. Outsiders or insiders, we have decided and chosen to stay here by trading off certain things to get benefits (mostly pay and growth opportunities), so it's our choice afterall

Why do we still keep bashing and targeting each other 🫠

Love 💞 and Peace ✌🏻

12mo ago
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I don't think it has anything to do with outsiders or insiders. The problem is that the locals fails to understand that the govt is getting huge taxes from these companies but stills fails on promises. Look at the broken roads, dirty streets and "god knows when" metro. The problem is that Kannadigas are being told that every problem starts with outsiders so that they never question the govt. Just look at other urban cities be it Delhi Mumbai Hyedrabad or Pune. Lakhs of outsiders there as well but those cities are working in harmony.


Good point made. Possibly the infrastructure can be planned better. One difference I personally noticed between metros in Bengaluru and Kolkata is that in the latter, it connects better with "points of business". Whereas in Bengaluru, you might have to take another transportation after drop off at Metro station to get to your point of business.

I think lack of planning, and unreasonably slow execution (look at Ejipura flyover, under construction since forever) are one of the key areas for the Government to look into.

And one thing on our sides that we could control - lane disciplines. I have seen that half the jams in the city are not just two-wheelers but also autos and four-wheelers leave their lanes to "hypothetically" get in front of halted traffic. Basic common sense is missing.


When you go to Germany or japan and be an individual and earn and spend do you say they flex their german as stupidity? Or do you shut your holes and learn their language?

Stupid are the ones who think they don't have to learn the language of the land.

On revenue and people benefitting:

  1. You benefit more by being here, why else are you here?
  2. Locals benefitting is partially true. All I have seen is Karnataka folk are selling their property and going back to their home or are now in debt. Prime most areas of Bangalore are being sold off to 'outsiders'. I am barely seeing my people here nowadays. So this city is positioning itself better for immigrants than us. Locals are moving out.
  3. If locals lose buisness in Bangalore they migrate to other cities and learn the language of the land and not be a delusional hypocrites like the ones coming in. Big Majority of locals already understand and speak Hindi, Telugu.

We are better. Learn from it instead of useless blabbing here.


Why do non - kannadigas post every small incident on social media. Being a local, I have multiple fights with auto guys to local shopkeepers to govt officers. I settle it then and there. Tell me another city where these fights do not happen?


Politicians kept locals busy on regional racism so they can’t question about infrastructure here.. irony is if you criticise bengaluru locals will be offended. On the other hand on other states locals only criticise as a result other metro cities has way better infra.

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