Best Investment Platforms
How can a beginner start exploring the different investment platforms like Stock,Mutual Funds etc..?
Pros who have invested and gained a lot of insights can you share your experiences for those who are starting it.

instead of investing bulk amount, I have picked few mutual funds / stocks and investing every month as SIP.
In beginning I don’t have emotional control on it as I kept withdrawing by buying less share and later I realised the price of one share goes high if I have stocked it for couple of month
Since then if profit or loss I start investing on SIP basis

Also if you are choosing stocks check for both penny stocks and stocks with high dividend. Don’t invest all money to stocks instead keep a small portion of your income if you want to continue with stock sip

Start with ELSS/ Tax saving mutual funds and then to index(Like Nifty Next 50, Midcap 150) MF for long term. For Short term, check bonds listed in Wint Wealth and SGBs available in Stock Exchange for short term.

If you are looking for the consultancy for investments than I work in a company where our founder who has 20+ years experience in banking sector provides consultancy as per your needs.....for more help we can have a chat....do let me know please if you are interested in it..
Thank you