Stay away from narcissistic personality like this..if he has to be friends with you then also he should have cleared this.but bread cruming like so is not justified with anyone's mental health. Everyone has emotions and when one person loves you either S/he is your friend or patner then they always expect some sort of gestural things from you.If person has did same things with you in past then you shouldn't be available for him or associate/expect anything.As nature nevers changes its ok mistakes happens but these are sensible thoughts.if he was apologiesd for his behaviour and things then you should take him as involved person in your life ( as a known person only)otherwise why their is need to repeat same mistakes and make yourself feel bad.
I have these kind of friends now i don't speak too much to anyone don't expect anything from anyone.
If someone gonna truly emotionally loves you then they will love you .their is no conditions for giving love being with someone loving caring sharing.
Foremost things in life you should love yourself first..things whatever happened in past doens't matters for you in your present or future...
TBH I never felt loved by someone but my advice is true because of my toxic friendship experiences.
Now I walk alone which I'm very proud of myself.
Be good with everyone but don't expect anything.. mostly people only will treats emotional ones as options.
It is better to be u.
Stay happy and you are powerful 💪🏻💯🔥
Don't juggle into your mind.
Take care