Bangalore was never safe for women, it was never safe for anyone other than Kanadigas. This auto driver will go away free. Auto driver harassment are worse in Bangalore and Hyd.
It is we software engineers who should show resistance to move to Banglaore. Only then companies will start creating more opportunities in other cities. Only because most software engineers are ready to move to Banglaore without much hesitation, Bangalore IT landscape is growing.
Please fellow software engineers, we deserve a better quality life. The brand name Bangalore has is just hype. Understsnd that and show your preference to not work from Banglaore, to your companies.
That's not how economics works, companies come there because of tax benefits which in turn increase demand for higher skill labour and thus influx of people. Try asking the government to make better tax policies to attract investors in other states, but most states have other priorities based on the vote banks do remember you are not the vote banks( it's always the poor and lower class that most of the benefits are based on).
I can see you are working in one captive organization. You are correct on your POV. In my company, or in all services organizations, Bangalore is most expensive location considering all expenses including taxes and salaries. When we get or propose each project there will be discussion on proposing location to client. When money saving is prioeriy tier 2 locations like Kochi, Coimbatore, Vizag etc are proposed. Bamgalore is proposed despite high costs for many projects when delivery leadership demands for stating talent shortage in other locations as a reason. I have been part of such discussions, thus saying this with authenticity.
Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune etc locations also has lower cost than Bangalore with slightly less talent availability. We try to porpose such locations as a balanced approach.
At this point in time that city is a joke.
sarrr we are idiot canadiga sarrr we can do that sarrrr