Credit Card Hunt
Need a credit card with a few benefits. There are a lot of credit cards out there but couldn't find the best one. Recommendations would be valuable.
Requirements of card : Travel + Lounge Rewards Cashbacks
Willing to pay some fees but not like 10k or something.
What are your major spend categories ?
Travel flight,uber etc Rent
Travel >> Get a Vistara Card if you frequently travel from Mumbai/Delhi. DCB/Atlas/Infinia otherwise.
Uber>Buy Amazon pay vouchers and use Amazon pay
Rent> this one's tricky, check if any of the Vistara cards allow rent payments to be counted towards milestones then you get a perfect card. Otherwise check the specific card tncs and pick a card that has some rewards/least charges for rent.
No single card fits your requirements.
sbi cashback is practically best cashback cc and get a hdfc regalia/axis vistara mid for lounge and rewards.
Don't focus on over optimisation.
I've been using Amex MRCC credit card for most of my spending which are around ₹20k in most of the months. You can redeem their Membership Reward (MR) points to airlines miles, gift vouchers etc at a very good rate (~10%). Feel free to reach out on WhatsApp to know more details regarding it: 9911626956.Â
Amex referral (First year free for you + 2000 added bonus points on spends of ₹5000):
HDFC Diners Black ICICI Sapphiro