
Dev community should come together to counter didi Bhaiya of twitter/LinkedIn

I work with a tech influencer , he is literally below 20% of our companies talent. But has strong social profile. Now he is charging 2999 for tech and career guidance. All the freshmen out of college are paying to get guidance from the guy who is pretty average in his own skills. 😂 like WTF




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Software Engineers on

by PushyCourt


Indian SDEs will do all DSA and System Design chatter but cannot create any real value

Indian SDEs on LinkedIn & Twitter are some of the worst engineers you will ever find across the real world. Their typical value lies around: - Cracking a FAANG/MAANG or Product company. - Make an announcement on LinkedIn & Twitter and accumulating followers. - Starting YouTube channel, Topmate links, affiliate marketing channels, and more. - Rant DSA, System Design, Interview resources all day long. - Post daily of their office, their colleagues, candid shots, and barely getting any work done. While this is expected out of early career professionals, it pains to see senior SDEs doing the same shit over and over again. Things don't end here — Everyone talks about creating a revolution. And the revolution is teaching DSA. If you are an experienced SDE and still ranting DSA, it just means that you have barely learnt anything that is of worth any value. You are atmost a "Ticket Engineer". You get assigned a Jira ticket, you bust your ass solving it, and that's it. That's your entire value. Its high time that these "Bhaiya", "Didis", "Bhabhis" stop ranting DSA and System Design over and over, and build something of real value. You would barely see any credible open-source projects coming out of India (but hey, we have some many contributors!), barely any Indie dev project, or anything that captures the attention of the world. Literally every popular SDE you might follow or see over your social media is the same. Their entire community game is a farce and designed to capture gullible college students and shill thousands of rupees out of them. You might be featured on Times Square ($40 ka showoff), but no one would remember you for anything that you built. <Rant Over. Peace>


Misc on

by AvgRasmalaiEnjoyer


LinkedIn Gyaanis should be banned

Rant. Chappri Interns and mid af SDEs on LinkedIn have destroyed the entire point of the platform. Every Tier 1 graduate working at Microsoft or Walmart posts their own pic in some Manali hillstation and give 400 lines of unsolicited gyaan, which virgin btech 2nd year students cant help but drool at. I get it bro/sis, you mugged up 800 LC mediums and Microsoft came to your BITS campus and picked you up because you solved a system design question in the interview which scales infinitely for infinite users. No, i dont want to enroll is PrepCracker's System Design Cohort for just Rs 69,999 and replace Hotstar's CTO. Folks like Arpit Bhayani and Addy Osmani are the only reason I open linkedin to actually get some ground level reality of how to be a better SWE, but all i see is bhaiyya didi telling me why my resume is not getting selected because i didnt pay Rs. 1,999 for their Topmate Resume Review session. Due to them Twitter is full of 2nd year dimwits who think swe is the only path to liberation and their bhaiyya didi will be their guiding angel. They won't. They'll turn out just like your average 3.5lpa employee at WITCH. The only way to become a good swe is figure shit out yourself and do what you love. Its that simple. Im from a shit tier 3 college. I've cracked FAANG and that too with 42 lc solved. What DSA bro? Thankyou to the Grapevine team for building a good platform where genuine watercooler discussions take place. Deleted LinkedIn for good until i get my sanity back.


Software Engineers on

by QuietKettle


Reality of neoG bootcamp

The camp in my opinion is not what it claims to be. People who are doing well in the camp are the ones who took matters in their own hand and started learning on their own. Pros: 1. Practice sets were given often(There were 27 practice sets of all topics) which helped us form the practice for writing code for hooks without wasting time in thinking about the approach. 2. Community is good. MA’s are very helpful and will guide you in every situation. Taking the time out of their busy schedule. Very thankful to them. 3. Machine coding rounds were conducted. Which helped us speed up the process. 4. Revision sessions were conducted for people who couldn’t understand the lecture taken by Tanay. These sessions were taken by Akanksha. Cons: 1. Redux was removed from course even though it is mentioned on the website. They say that redux is not important but it is, companies ideally want their candidates to know redux. 2. Tanay simply skims through a topic, does not go in depth inside any topic. An advice which he ironically gives in his youtube videos. He ignores any advanced questions asked in the session claiming he has not covered yet. Says he will teach later and does not cover that topic later. 3. We were forbidden to discuss anything that isn’t taught yet.Stopping the flow of knowledge. That means you can’t even use the community to discuss something new because they haven’t taught it yet. 4. MA’s(Ex-neoGrads) were discouraged from answering questions about topics that weren’t taught yet. They used to host sessions on hard topics that people didn’t understand in voice chats but were discouraged to do so. 5. Didn’t even cover the dependency array in useEffect hook. He just said you will keep it empty 90% of the time. useMemo and useCallback were not even mentioned. Forget about code optimizations. Honestly, you will learn more in a 30min youtube video than in their class. Continued in comments......