Experience with financial advisor and recommendations
Have you worked with a financial advisor who reviewed your incomes, liabilities, goals, taxation, retirement and provided you a clear roadmap? How has your experience been? Is it worthwhile?
Are these fee based advisor? What's the typical charge like? Any recommendations for good advisor in Bangalore?

Hello! You have a good question & I have a best answer. I work with many companies for various services. Out of my experience, I am helping you out with the best financial consultant in Bangalore. He is AMFI registered MFD.
Finvest India led by Prashanth Jogimutt who has experience of more than 20 years in this industry. You’ll thank me once you meet him. Here I am providing their contact number too 9008062350 for easy communication. Visit their website too finvestindia.com

1Finance, though they don't entertain clients with net worth less than 20+ lakhs