Can you suggest a place from where I can get trusted financial advisor?
As the title suggests I want to hire a long term financial advisor. Any leads will be helpful thanks
Hello friends,
Any recommendations on personal finance planners in India whom you have personally used and found to be good? I am in South India - if the advisor can engage online, that would be great.
I am NOT looking for investment advisors; instead, I am looking for advisors who can help me manage my debt professionally and systematically all the while preparing for building wealth in future. I am 36.
Following and please let me know if you find one
Sure. I will update on this thread.
Please use any of the few only advisors listed here:
As the title suggests I want to hire a long term financial advisor. Any leads will be helpful thanks
Need some inputs to understand if you use any paid financial advisory services who might suggest you where and how much to invest to solve for a particular number?
Have you worked with a financial advisor who reviewed your incomes, liabilities, goals, taxation, retirement and provided you a clear roadmap? How has your experience been? Is it worthwhile?
Are these fee based advisor? What's the typi...
A lot of my friends are young software developers fresh out of college and are earning great amount of money at MNCs and startups.
But they have no idea where to invest it. How to save taxes. How to invest in a way that minimises their...