GC not acquiring Venture Highway
Heard from a little bird that General Catalyst's deal of acquiring VH has fallen through? Can someone confirm?
Also what do you think of VH in general? I feel expensive bets with low single digit stakes. Personally, the folks especially Associates are way way too cocky and only believe in Faff
Not sure, haven’t heard
On VH in general though, definitely very low key and don’t hear about them much in general. Founder friends of mine haven’t had the best interactions.
confused about this deal in the first place. Why would GC acquire their team? Why not set up own team? I know it takes time, but you can’t rush in like that. Are there parallels?
Except Aviral they can't be viral.
Agree, VHs stake ain't that return worthy except few.
Let's see what Samir sood decides
So what now? Will GC set up a team in India? Also curious, this model of Global VCs acquiring domestic VCs, Has this been ever successful in India apart from the one instance of Accel acquiring Erasmic 15 years ago
no still ongoing some hurdles
Did speak to VH a few days back. The folks we spoke to were pretty nice and provided clear feedback.
But of course, VH as a fund doesn’t rank high.