Fresh MBA grads in Consulting. Hows it looking?
Q for the fresh consult joinees, ideally Co22 or 23 about what inside the firms looks like right now. Are you working, how are the projects, toxicity/anxiety?
A bunch of us fresh MBA grads who got into T2 consulting were wondering how do we figure out what we really like. The old work ex isn’t relevant anymore and the new one will be general maybe?
Does it get better? How do we experiment? Thank you, and apologies for the generic ques!
You can figure this out about the method of elimination and the 5 year rule.
Elimination Method :- try to do things you find slightly interested, do that for a while. Keep on doing it if you find it interesting enough, else, leave.
5 year rule :- If you are interested in a role, see what its career progression looks like in 5 years. For example, if you want to be a developer. See what a developer does once they have 5 years experience. If you still like it, go pursue that job, else, leave.
I have some business ideas , if you want to connect i can explain you may as well try to have these initiatives in your CV
Q for the fresh consult joinees, ideally Co22 or 23 about what inside the firms looks like right now. Are you working, how are the projects, toxicity/anxiety?
Yesterday I completed 10 years of career in consulting. Started with a Big 4 and then moved to another consulting giant Accenture Strategy 2 years ago. In this tenure ,I have met a lot of talented people, worked with some of the smartest...
Hello everyone I am a new grad from a Tier-1 institute and would be joining a management consulting firm in Nov. I wanted to ask suggestions regarding what I could do these 3 months to upskill myself as well as learn something productive...
Hello everyone I am a new grad from a Tier-1 institute and would be joining a management consulting firm in Nov. I wanted to ask suggestions regarding what I could do these 3 months to upskill myself as well as learn something productive...