
How to switch from Startup Hells to MNCs.

Hey Hey People. I've been in PM-ship for 4 years, and I have been jumping (unfortunately) from one sinking ship to another. Since Startups started going belly up, I've been switching but not able to keep up with the absolute abuse of 14-16 hour workdays including weekends. I am looking for some guidance or advice on how to switch to a "safer" company in which I can stay and build my career for the next 3-4 years. I've almost run through the gauntlet of 3 companies in the last two years and feel absolutely burnt to a crisp. Whether it be policies, workplace politics ( main reason for quitting the last 2 orgs) or culture, I am simply not able to go through the wringer. I want to switch to a place where I can do Product + Analytics but have a safer moat of a learning curve. Most startups lack any documentation or training and it's very disastrous when shit hits the fans because no one has any idea or documentation on what works. Pile up abusive micromanagement and valour thievery into the equation as well. I'm simply burnt out to death and I feel this shit hitting me in my skull every living second. I want to be in a place where I am able to perform and learn more (not breakneck) stable pace.

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by Altair21


Should I switch in the current market? (Need guidance from experienced folks)

Hey folks, I have been working in startups for my entire experience and was wondering if it would be worth it to switch to a bigger org for better growth/learning in this market? My reasons to switch 1. Low learning potential: I am a senior SDE here and WLB here is really good, too good in fact (I barely work a couple of hours if even that), this is leading to a lower learning potential, the work I get assigned, I complete in a couple of hours and while I have been given bigger projects, the learning is not there, I can easily complete them, and since I am the senior SDE here, I cant ask anyone to review my code/performance 2. Startup is in early seed stage, and there is definitely an uncertainty here about surviving till next year 3. I wasnt given much of a hike despite a level promotion (just 10%). My manager is really awesome and one of the best guys I have ever worked under and honestly I wouldnt even think of switching if I had 5-6 YOE but at this point, I think i need to learn more and get some more guidance/review from experienced folks to grow. My salary is decent, but having my friends work in FANG/FANG-equivalent is definitely not helping my FOMO, specially when I hear about their projects in their orgs and compare it to mine which are nowhere near theirs in score or complexity. and the reason why I am hesitating to switch is seeing the layoffs news coming in everyday, I can prep for interviews in the next couple of months and probably apply then but seeing all of these layoffs and folks finding it hard to land jobs is making me fear that I will lose this job with nothing to show for it in the end. So, should I switch in this market or stick it out in my current org until market situation improves (considering it wont improve until next financial year)? EDIT: posted this again because I couldn't edit the last post


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by NarutoLuffy

Harman India

Need Advice regarding switching

This might look like a lengthy rant, but please bear with me till the end. Will be grateful for all/any help. Much appreciated 1st Company(MNC | Name Appears in PF) - Worked for 1.6 years. Left yoluantarily in order to prepare for GATE 2nd Company(startup | Name doesn't Appear in PF) - Worked for 1 year. Was let go citing performance reasons(Which was completely bullshit) It was just the beginning of Covid 3rd Company(Startup | Name Appears in PF) - loined in the month of June 2020. Worked for 2 months and suddenly they terminated me in 3rd month since 1 was still in probationary period and they said, my performance was not upto the mark/Which I don't believe) 4th Company/Mid Size Company | Name Appears in PF) - Worked for 11 months. My parents were looking for a match for me. Left voluantarily, in order to get a high CTC. No problems here 5th Company/MNC | Name Appears in PF) - Currently working here. It's been almost 1.11 years and counting One of my frien d had referred me to GE through his senior and the feedback that he got was,I have changed many companies in short span of time. So my question is this: Iwill remove the second company from my resume and add that experience to the 3rd one while giving interviews or when the recruiter asks for the cv. And then once everything is over and at the time of offer release I will provide the proper documents to HR for bGV. will this work? Has anyone tried this in the past? The problem is, I cannot completely remove 2nd company as it would reduce my exp and it will create unnecessary problems w.r.t my passing out date and relevent exp And I cannot remove the 3rd company as it's name appears in pF forms. Hope you guys are able to see my dilemma here. Any/all help will be much appreciated. Thanks in Advance.