
I feel bad for her and for all of us, hbu

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Adulting on

by BlickCait


I wish life was a little easier and I just need to vent

My mother called me yesterday and tells me she got scammed for about 10 lakhs and needs money by Monday. She has 4 lakhs and I will have to cover the rest. Turns out she let a friend take a loan in her name and this friend gave fake jewellery as collateral. The friend took loans under her husband’s name and my mom’s name, she divorced the dude and escaped. The bank called my mom and has asked her to pay, now they’re filing a case against my mom for fraud. I’ve spent my weekend talking to advocates and friends, and looks like the only way to get out of it unscathed is to cut a deal with the bank saying we’ll pay the money back and they don’t press charges in return. Contesting the bank is going to take time, money and the risk of my mom losing her job. As an older daughter who grew up in a broken family, I’ve spent my childhood and adulthood protecting my mother and sibling. I finally landed a well paying job 2 years ago and now the responsibility extended to providing for my younger sister and my mother financially which I’m more than happy to do. I’ve worked hard the past few months to save what I have right now beyond what I give my family, use to sustain myself and finally felt happy about the position I’m in. Now I’m heartbroken. I’m going to be emptying almost 70% of what I have so far for this for paying the bank and the lawyer. Especially for something that’s not even my mistake and something that could have been easily avoided. I’m not in a place to direct my anger at her, I know it’s a hard time for her as well. 6 to 7 lakhs might sound like a small amount to some but I don’t have the privilege to throw money like that. I don’t have fuck you money. I don’t take money from friends. I’m 25 and literally just started my life 2 years ago after working for peanuts. What’s even the point of working hard, leading an honest life if this is how it works? It’s just truly unfair and I don’t know how to deal with it.


Misc on

by LazyNinja


My parents hate me

I am 33M, started working at 20. Earned 87LPA when I was dropped off in June 23. I am a very responsible person who had taken care of everything in the family for quite some time. My parents and relatives and everyone else who know me well, know this and kost have appreciated this at some point. My sister separated from her husband 6 months after my marriage and had been living with me and my wife since then till COVID hit. My mother has anger issues and my father is very obedient to her. I love my parents and they loved me I think. Post COVID I moved to my hometown (because family) and things started going downhill. My mother will almost entire day find every faults in my wife and share it with everyone with an angry tone. I just listened to her initially for 2 years but at times I told her that it's enough. Now she has started fighting me. After the fight I would go and apologize to her knowing that it's not my fault just to make things right. This time when my mother fought with me she taunted me that you will come back and apologize. This hurted me even more than the fight. Now I am not going back to apologize and she's escalating it every day. Convinced my father and my eldest sister(happily married) that I am a bad son. Shares messages like "maa bap ko pareshan krne vale bachho ko kya fal milta hai" in WhatsApp groups. She has even asked me to vacate home. I am unemployed at the moment and I told her I will when I have a job. I don't know how to deal with it. I can't convince people in the family that she has anger issues.


Adulting on

by arvind_hajriwal


Suggestion needed about future

In relationship with her for almost 4 years. Although relationship is kind of toxic but there're lot of emotional memories. She's bit of abusive when in anger and on the other hand I also made lot of mistake by giving hope & all. It becomes kind of hard for me to handle her anger. Now I trying to fix things up for our future. I tried connecting with lot of my friends & psychologist, but didn't get balanced solution. By balanced solution, I mean both of us should not suffer unfairly and live life peacefully. Both of us come from lower middle class family and both approaching 30. she's not working. 1. I have few responsibility for my family as well. So, one of my friend suggested "to do breakup and not continue because of these family responsibility. If I go with her, then in the end I have to sacrifice one thing in my life (sacrifice means not good future), either my family, her or my career. and not being true to my family responsibilities in future will give me more guilt than breaking up with her. and they told It'll become hard for me with family guilt. In chess, sometime you have to sacrifice queen to win. Also, they asked me to read geeta that duty comes first than anything else. and family didn't make any wrong and deserve the best in future." 2. My judgement around this is kind of messedup right now. Although i understand the logic part of it and completely agree with this. but Emotional part of this is kind of making me feel guilt. that i did very wrong to someone. and Even i understand that it'll be hard/impossible for me carry all these burden in future, still I think lets go with her just that I dont want her to suffer things. 3. Above 2 solution feels very biased to me. In both solution, one of us have to suffer badly. Posting here to get your solution. I know both type of people exist here. Someone will feel more for her and other will prefer family. for more context -


Office Gossip on

by InsidiousBruh


Here's what happened next, after Police arrested my Colleague's Wife

Background During a trip to Thailand, me and a colleague accidentally swapped bags. When I called to explain the mistake, his wife accused me of trying to seduce her husband. She harassed me with phone calls, and later threw eggs at my residence. Then, set her husband's bag on fire and got into trouble with the police. She was then arrested. For full context: I would also like to address those who said that the story is fake. It isn't. I genuinely posted this here because as a woman it is hard to find spaces online to vent my frustrations. I was genuinely distressed at the moment and my flatmates did take care of me. I also received tons of support from the community here and I am thankful for that. Here's what happened next: I decided not to press charges as I am living away from my family and I don't want this to be the reason they start interfering in my personal freedom. Over the weekend, she apologized and invited me for dinner, I obviously declined because she acted all insane before. But she is literally so dramatic that she lied to everyone that I came to her house and hit her so hard that she puked all over her clothes. Thankfully, their society has CCTV coverage and I didn't even leave my home all weekend. So, no one believed her this time. Our group thankfully supported me throughout this and the colleague is no longer in the group. Now, I just want to get over this traumatic experience which when I look back at is too unreal to even think about.


Office Gossip on

by MedicalFoam


Some ☕️ on Shark Tank judges

💄: Heard from one of the employees working at this company about the covid policy it’s shit as hell. Any employee on junior level if gets in contact with covid will be given two options: 1. Either they report to office and continue working 2. Either they give their resignation. Once they are covid negative they will then have to reapply and check if the vacancy is available or not. They generally hires freshers in bulk from coaching institutes and colleges that’s why they don’t care about them. It’s very easy for them to hire a replacement. I feel so horrible for everyone who has to go through this experience as a fresher. 💊: 1. I know someone who is close to her. She's not what she portrays on TV. She is entitled and snooty. She's creating this fashionista image. Doesn't share good relations with her family members (those who are in their family business). They are all strictly professional. [2] 2. Can concur. The company is one of the worst places to work. It's not women friendly at all. I know a few women who were asked to resign after they applied for mat leaves. [3] 🍅: His entire job all day long was to post snarky tweets, spend hours on the website/app, then give feedback like isko bold kardo, uska color change kardo, isko italics kardo. No technical knowledge. [4] He also forced me to move away from my parents house, be more present in office parties and at one point when I declined to attend an overnight party at the farmhouse, I was indirectly asked to resign. So I did. Coz F that shit. [4] I am using only emojis because this drama is too spicy for many here to handle. Source: [1] [2] [3] [4]