If you had enough money in your life so that you don't have to work for money, would you still do the same job you are doing?
What would you do differently in your life?
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What would you do differently in your life?
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Would you still do the same job
what would you do differently
Sleep more /s
I'm lazy af but travel all around the world & try all sorts of food. Permanently move to Japan (I still have plans for that, just waiting for the right time)
I have similar plans of Japan. What's your reasoning for Japan though? I have lots, top of the mind-
@made_a_chu_chu Anime mainly. I have friends working there in the anime/manga/LN industry & some as ALT. Missed my chance going there before, so Japan is in my bucket list.
Back to academics.. gain deep expertise in physics and get into research for purely mental stimulation and not be part of rat race to show results or publish. I imagine there is enough to learn which is enough for a lifetime
Great answer! Academics! Any particular college in mind?
Haven't thought that far.. college will put timeline and course pressure, which is something I hated during my years in academics. Rushing from one course to the other, from one semester to the other... Never pausing for the pleasure of learning. Plus placement orientation of learning is another sickening aspect. I just need a college that will help me learn at my own pace, once you are not working for money, lot of man made deadlines dissolve away
Do the same job, but will try to find a 2-3 day a week set up and pursue hobbies more actively.
So you like your job?
Oh yeah!
Will buy a farm house and chill on my lawn
Really? Every single day? Cmon, won't you get bored eventually?
If I had enough money, I would start an R&D Centre to cater to underprivileged yet highly talented people who could'nt make research their dream job due to constraints. Providing education to underprivileged is the most satisfying thing.
Exactly! I too have thought about this. Today's technologies are due to past world researches. R&D should be given importance and scientists should get paid well. The government should use the taxpayers money to fund R&D.