What is your experience working in Branding agencies of Delhi/Mumbai
What is your experience working in Branding studios of Delhi, Mumbai Studios like Animal, Thought over design, NH1 Experience in terms of work culture, learning environment.
Designers, what have your experiences been like working in in-house brand/marketing teams vs agencies? If you’ve worked in both - Which do you prefer? Why?
For designers who have worked in in-house brand/marketing teams: What has it been like for you? Is there scope for creativity in the companies you’ve worked in?
For designers who have worked in agencies: How has your experience been? Would you stick to agency side or switch?
Brand is better. Most agencies in India are unprofessional and chaotic. Upstarts from big agencies eventually quit to start their own thing, usually fail within 5-10 years. Mostly have creative flair or professional experience but not enough business sense or financial know how to run an agency successfully.
I've worked on both sides and although agencies have a wide variety of work incoming, the quality is generally sad. Very few brands in India pushing the envelope too. All things considered, easier to work on brand side plus more growth potential imo for good brands. Agencies are hit and miss.
@LooseGoose Thanks for your reply. Agree with you. I've worked on the agency side for several years now and going to switch to brand side now. Agencies pay significantly less from what I've seen so no option but to switch beyond a certain YoE.
What is your experience working in Branding studios of Delhi, Mumbai Studios like Animal, Thought over design, NH1 Experience in terms of work culture, learning environment.
What makes or breaks a partnership with a creative agency for you and your business? How long does it take to assess this?
I'm currently assessing design agencies for a digital product design, and boy, it's kind of tiring. Many promise ...
I am a self taught graphic designer with two years of experience. In which I have worked in a well known startup as their lead graphic designer including some in house and agency roles. I would like to know about the salary to expect or ...
Really excited to do this!
Here's a little bit about my career:
I dropped out of college to build a design studio with 20+ people for 4 years before leaving that to start another studio.
I’ve worked across most major startu...